2022-08-02 12:13:31 +00:00
//! Module defining [CardKeyword].
/// A keyword which cards can have.
/// Since more keywords will probably be added in the future, this enum is [non_exaustive](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/attributes/type_system.html#the-non_exhaustive-attribute).
#[ non_exhaustive ]
2022-08-02 13:45:09 +00:00
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize) ]
2022-08-02 12:13:31 +00:00
pub enum CardKeyword {
/// Overwhelm on spells.
/// > Inflicts damage beyond what would kill the target(s) to the enemy Nexus.
SpellOverwhelm ,
/// [SpellSpeed::Burst].
/// > Can be played whenever you may act. Happens instantly and allows you to continue to play other cards.
Burst ,
/// Countdown.
/// > Round Start: I count down 1. At 0, activate the Countdown effect, then destroy me.
Countdown ,
/// "Marked" play.
/// > Get this effect when you play this unit from hand.
#[ serde(rename = " PlaySkillMark " ) ]
OnPlay ,
/// [CardType::Landmark].
/// > Landmarks take up a space on the board. They can't attack, block, or take damage.
#[ serde(rename = " LandmarkVisualOnly " ) ]
Landmark ,
/// ???
Shurima ,
/// Attach.
/// > Attach me to an ally to give it my stats and keywords while I'm attached. When that ally leaves play, Recall me.
Attach ,
/// ???
Noxus ,
/// Fleeting cards discard from hand when the round ends.
Fleeting ,
/// ??????
ClobberNoEmptySlotRequirement ,
/// Nab.
/// > Draw a non-champion card from the bottom of the enemy deck.
Nab ,
/// Focus.
/// Used to disambiguate between Burst and Focus with [SpellSpeed::Burst].
/// > Can be played outside combat or when no other spells or skills are pending. Happens instantly and allows you to continue to play other cards.
Focus ,
/// Enlightened.
/// > You're Enlightened when you have 10 max mana.
Enlightened ,
/// Invoke.
/// > Pick a Celestial card from among 3 to create in hand.
Invoke ,
/// Boon.
/// > Attaches to another card in a deck. When that card is drawn, activate the effect.
Boon ,
/// Trap.
/// > Attaches to another card in a deck. When that card is drawn, activate the effect.
#[ serde(rename = " Autoplay " ) ]
Trap ,
/// Drain.
/// > Heal your Nexus for the amount of damage dealt.
Drain ,
/// Last Breath.
/// > These abilities take effect when the unit dies.
LastBreath ,
/// ???
Demacia ,
/// ???
BandleCity ,
/// [SpellSpeed::Fast].
/// > Can be played whenever you may act. Happens after your opponent has a chance to react.
Fast ,
/// ???
Bilgewater ,
/// ???
Runeterra ,
/// Recall.
/// > Return a unit to hand and remove all effects applied to it.
Recall ,
/// Weakest.
/// > Lowest Power, with ties broken by lowest Health then lowest Cost
Weakest ,
/// Support.
/// > Attacking with a support unit will buff the unit to its right.
Support ,
/// Slow.
/// > Can be played outside of combat when no spells or skills are pending. Happens after your opponent has a chance to react.
Slow ,
/// Obliterate.
/// > Completely removed from the game. Doesn't cause Last Breath and can't be revived.
Obliterate ,
/// Imbue, an unused keyword.
/// > These abilities trigger when you resolve a spell.
Imbue ,
/// ???
#[ serde(rename = " MtTargon " ) ]
Targon ,
/// ???
ShadowIsles ,
/// ??????
AuraVisualFakeKeyword ,
/// ???
Ionia ,
/// Nightfall.
/// > Bonus if this is NOT the first card you play in a round.
Nightfall ,
/// ???
PiltoverZaun ,
/// Attune.
/// > When I'm summoned, refill 1 spell mana.
Attune ,
/// Daybreak.
/// > Bonus if this is the FIRST card you play in a round.
Daybreak ,
/// ???
SilenceIndividualKeyword ,
/// Skill.
/// > A unit's spell-like effect that allows enemy reactions.
Skill ,
/// Plunder,
/// > A card triggers its plunder ability when played if you damaged the enemy Nexus this round.
Plunder ,
/// Double Attack.
/// > While attacking, it strikes both before AND at the same time as its blocker.
DoubleAttack ,
/// Vulnerable.
/// > The enemy can challenge this unit, forcing it to block.
Vulnerable ,
/// Elusive.
/// > Can only be blocked by an Elusive unit.
Elusive ,
/// Stun.
/// > Remove a unit from combat. It can't attack or block for the rest of the round.
Stun ,
/// Fated.
/// > Each round, the first time an allied card targets me, grant me +1|+1.
Fated ,
/// ???
/// > Can block Elusives.
BlockElusive ,
/// Fury.
/// > When I kill a unit, grant me +1|+1.
Fury ,
/// Barrier.
/// > Negates the next damage the unit would take. Lasts one round.
Barrier ,
/// Immobile.
/// > Can't attack or block.
Immobile ,
/// Hallowed.
/// > After I die, for the rest of the game when allies attack, hallow your first attacker giving it +1|+0 that round.
Hallowed ,
/// Evolve.
/// > I have +2|+2 once you've given or summoned allies with 6+ other positive keywords this game.
Evolve ,
/// Frostbite.
/// > Set a unit's Power to 0 this round. It can be changed after.
Frostbite ,
/// Overwhelm on units.
/// > Excess damage I deal to my blocker is dealt to the enemy Nexus.
Overwhelm ,
/// Quick Attack.
/// > While attacking, strikes before its blocker.
#[ serde(rename= " QuickStrike " ) ]
QuickAttack ,
/// Tough.
/// > Takes 1 less damage from all sources.
Tough ,
/// Regeneration.
/// > Heals fully at the end of each round.
Regeneration ,
/// Silenced.
/// > Removes all text and keywords from a unit.
Silenced ,
/// SpellShield.
/// > Negates the next enemy spell or skill that would affect me.
SpellShield ,
/// Lifesteal.
/// > Damage this unit deals heals its Nexus that amount.
Lifesteal ,
/// Augment.
/// > When you play a created card, grant me +1|+0.
Augment ,
/// Impact.
/// > When this strikes while attacking, it deals 1 to the enemy Nexus. This keyword can stack.
Impact ,
/// Scout.
/// > The first time only Scout units attack each round, ready your attack.
Scout ,
/// Ephemereal.
/// > This unit dies when it strikes or when the round ends.
Ephemeral ,
/// Lurk.
/// > When you attack while I'm on top of your deck, I Lurk, granting Lurker allies everywhere +1|+0. Max once per round.
#[ serde(rename= " Lurker " ) ]
Lurk ,
/// Formidable.
/// > I strike with my Health instead of my Power.
Formidable ,
/// Challenger.
/// > Can choose which enemy unit blocks.
Challenger ,
/// Fearsome.
/// > Can only be blocked by enemies with 3 or more Power.
Fearsome ,
/// Can't Block.
CantBlock ,
/// Deep.
Deep ,
/// Unsupported card keyword.
#[ serde(other) ]
Unsupported ,
2022-08-02 13:45:09 +00:00
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
use super ::CardKeyword ;
macro_rules ! test_deserialization {
( $id :ident , $src :literal , $res :expr ) = > {
#[ test ]
fn $id ( ) {
assert_eq! ( serde_json ::de ::from_str ::< 'static , CardKeyword > ( $src ) . unwrap ( ) , $res ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_spelloverwhelm , " SpellOverwhelm " , CardKeyword ::SpellOverwhelm ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_burst , " Burst " , CardKeyword ::Burst ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_countdown , " Countdown " , CardKeyword ::Countdown ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_onplay , " PlaySkillMark " , CardKeyword ::OnPlay ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_landmark , " LandmarkVisualOnly " , CardKeyword ::Landmark ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_shurima , " Shurima " , CardKeyword ::Shurima ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_attach , " Attach " , CardKeyword ::Attach ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_noxus , " Noxus " , CardKeyword ::Noxus ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_fleeting , " Fleeting " , CardKeyword ::Fleeting ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_clobbernoemptyslotrequirement , " ClobberNoEmptySlotRequirement " , CardKeyword ::ClobberNoEmptySlotRequirement ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_nab , " Nab " , CardKeyword ::Nab ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_focus , " Focus " , CardKeyword ::Focus ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_enlightened , " Enlightened " , CardKeyword ::Enlightened ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_invoke , " Invoke " , CardKeyword ::Invoke ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_boon , " Boon " , CardKeyword ::Boon ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_trap , " Autoplay " , CardKeyword ::Trap ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_drain , " Drain " , CardKeyword ::Drain ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_lastbreath , " LastBreath " , CardKeyword ::LastBreath ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_demacia , " Demacia " , CardKeyword ::Demacia ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_bandlecity , " BandleCity " , CardKeyword ::BandleCity ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_fast , " Fast " , CardKeyword ::Fast ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_bilgewater , " Bilgewater " , CardKeyword ::Bilgewater ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_runeterra , " Runeterra " , CardKeyword ::Runeterra ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_recall , " Recall " , CardKeyword ::Recall ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_weakest , " Weakest " , CardKeyword ::Weakest ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_support , " Support " , CardKeyword ::Support ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_slow , " Slow " , CardKeyword ::Slow ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_obliterate , " Obliterate " , CardKeyword ::Obliterate ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_imbue , " Imbue " , CardKeyword ::Imbue ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_targon , " MtTargon " , CardKeyword ::Targon ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_shadowisles , " ShadowIsles " , CardKeyword ::ShadowIsles ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_auravisualfakekeyword , " AuraVisualFakeKeyword " , CardKeyword ::AuraVisualFakeKeyword ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_ionia , " Ionia " , CardKeyword ::Ionia ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_nightfall , " Nightfall " , CardKeyword ::Nightfall ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_piltoverzaun , " PiltoverZaun " , CardKeyword ::PiltoverZaun ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_attune , " Attune " , CardKeyword ::Attune ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_daybreak , " Daybreak " , CardKeyword ::Daybreak ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_silenceindividualkeyword , " SilenceIndividualKeyword " , CardKeyword ::SilenceIndividualKeyword ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_skill , " Skill " , CardKeyword ::Skill ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_plunder , " Plunder " , CardKeyword ::Plunder ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_doubleattack , " DoubleAttack " , CardKeyword ::DoubleAttack ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_vulnerable , " Vulnerable " , CardKeyword ::Vulnerable ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_elusive , " Elusive " , CardKeyword ::Elusive ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_stun , " Stun " , CardKeyword ::Stun ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_fated , " Fated " , CardKeyword ::Fated ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_blockelusive , " BlockElusive " , CardKeyword ::BlockElusive ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_fury , " Fury " , CardKeyword ::Fury ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_barrier , " Barrier " , CardKeyword ::Barrier ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_immobile , " Immobile " , CardKeyword ::Immobile ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_hallowed , " Hallowed " , CardKeyword ::Hallowed ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_evolve , " Evolve " , CardKeyword ::Evolve ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_frostbite , " Frostbite " , CardKeyword ::Frostbite ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_overwhelm , " Overwhelm " , CardKeyword ::Overwhelm ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_quickattack , " QuickStrike " , CardKeyword ::QuickAttack ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_tough , " Tough " , CardKeyword ::Tough ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_regeneration , " Regeneration " , CardKeyword ::Regeneration ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_silenced , " Silenced " , CardKeyword ::Silenced ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_spellshield , " SpellShield " , CardKeyword ::SpellShield ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_lifesteal , " Lifesteal " , CardKeyword ::Lifesteal ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_augment , " Augment " , CardKeyword ::Augment ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_impact , " Impact " , CardKeyword ::Impact ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_scout , " Scout " , CardKeyword ::Scout ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_ephemeral , Ephemeral , CardKeyword ::Ephemeral ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_lurk , Lurker , CardKeyword ::Lurk ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_formidable , Formidable , CardKeyword ::Formidable ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_challenger , Challenger , CardKeyword ::Challenger ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_fearsome , Fearsome , CardKeyword ::Fearsome ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_cantblock , CantBlock , CardKeyword ::CantBlock ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_deep , Deep , CardKeyword ::Deep ) ;
test_deserialization! ( deserialize_unsupported , Unsupported , CardKeyword ::Unsupported ) ;