# Modified jupyter/scipy-notebook for better integration with Sophon # Override the default "jovyan" user ARG NB_USER="sophon" # Set the base image of the notebook FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook # Image labels LABEL maintainer="Stefano Pigozzi " # As the default user... USER ${NB_UID} WORKDIR "${HOME}" # Install the JupyterLab Sophon theme RUN jupyter labextension install "jupyterlab_theme_sophon" # Enable the JupyterLab Sophon theme RUN jupyter labextension enable "jupyter_theme_sophon" # Set the JupyterLab Sophon theme as default RUN mkdir -p '.jupyter/lab/user-settings/@jupyterlab/apputils-extension/' RUN echo '{"theme": "JupyterLab Sophon"}' > ".jupyter/lab/user-settings/@jupyterlab/apputils-extension/themes.jupyterlab-settings" # Set useful envvars for Sophon notebooks ENV JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes ENV RESTARTABLE=yes ENV GRANT_SUDO=yes