import {FontAwesomeIcon} from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome" import React from 'react' import type {NextPage} from "next" import {default as Link} from "next/link" import {faRedditAlien, faMastodon, faGithub, faDiscord, faTelegram, faSteam, faItchIo, faTwitter, faLinkedin, faStackOverflow} from "@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons" import {faBorderAll, faEnvelope, faGlobe, faPlus, faFileCode, faBagShopping} from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons" import {LinkPanel} from "../components/LinkPanel" const Index: NextPage = () => { return <>

About me

I'm Stefano Pigozzi, a Computer Science graduate and Master's student at Unimore!

When I'm not studying, I contribute to open source, play video games, and eat tons of gelato!

I'm also somewhat interested in the social mechanisms of the Internet, specifically in how platforms influence how people interact with each other online.

Me on the Internet

You can find me in many places around the Internet:


You may message me on any of the following messengers:

Please do not send me chat messages about Greed, open an issue instead!

My projects

You might be interested in one of my released projects:

Revenant's Brooch}/> template-poetry}/> Patched Porobot}/> steamleaderboards}/>
There are more on my GitHub profile!


You can check out my friends' websites here (in alphanumeric order):

And more!
Hey friends, please make a small personal website, so I can add you here! :D
} export default Index;