Get more stuff to work
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 89 additions and 24 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
align-items: center;
min-width: unset;
min-width: 300px;
.taskIcon {
@ -49,34 +49,48 @@
padding: 8px;
.asdaf {
--something: hsl(150, 1%, 41%), hsl(213, 22%, 61%), hsl(212, 100%, 81%), hsl(6, 66%, 72%), hsl(17, 98%, 52%);
.taskImportanceHighest {
--bhsl-current-hue: 100deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 37%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 68.2%;
--bhsl-current-hue: 15deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 98%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 75%;
font-weight: 800;
.taskImportanceHigh {
--bhsl-current-hue: 159deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 30%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 52%;
--bhsl-current-hue: 260deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 66%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 72%;
font-weight: 700;
.taskImportanceNormal {
--bhsl-current-hue: 186deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 47%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 38%;
--bhsl-current-hue: 212deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 100%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 81%;
font-weight: 400;
.taskImportanceLow {
--bhsl-current-hue: 203deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 64%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 32%;
--bhsl-current-hue: 168deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 22%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 61%;
font-weight: 300;
.taskImportanceLowest {
--bhsl-current-hue: 237deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 44%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 31%;
--bhsl-current-hue: 120deg;
--bhsl-current-saturation: 30%;
--bhsl-current-lightness: 30%;
font-weight: 300;
@keyframes inProgress {
@ -28,6 +28,22 @@ export type TaskImportance =
"Low" |
export const IMPORTANCE_TO_NUMBER = {
"Highest": 5,
"High": 4,
"Normal": 3,
"Low": 2,
"Lowest": 1,
export const IMPORTANCE_TO_STRING = {
"Highest": "Critico",
"High": "Importante",
"Normal": "Normale",
"Low": "Opzionale",
"Lowest": "Irrilevante"
export type TaskPriority =
"Highest" |
"High" |
@ -35,6 +51,22 @@ export type TaskPriority =
"Low" |
export const PRIORITY_TO_NUMBER = {
"Highest": 5,
"High": 4,
"Normal": 3,
"Low": 2,
"Lowest": 1,
export const PRIORITY_TO_STRING = {
"Highest": "Urgente",
"High": "Prioritario",
"Normal": "Normale",
"Low": "Rimandabile",
"Lowest": "In qualsiasi momento"
export type TaskStatus =
"Unfinished" |
"InProgress" |
@ -1,20 +1,31 @@
"use client";
import {TaskIconEl} from "@/app/board/[board]/TaskIconEl"
import {BoardAction} from "@/app/board/[board]/Types"
import {TaskIcon, TaskWithId} from "@/app/board/[board]/types"
import {BoardAction, IMPORTANCE_TO_NUMBER, IMPORTANCE_TO_STRING, PRIORITY_TO_NUMBER, PRIORITY_TO_STRING, TaskImportance, TaskPriority} from "@/app/board/[board]/Types"
import {TaskIcon, TaskWithId} from "@/app/board/[board]/Types"
import {useBoardWebSocket} from "@/app/board/[board]/useBoardWebSocket"
import {GroupNamingFunction, GroupSortingFunction, TaskGroup, TaskGroupingFunction, TaskSortingFunction, useBoardTaskArranger} from "@/app/board/[board]/useBoardTaskArranger"
import {useBoardTitleEditor} from "@/app/board/[board]/useBoardTitleEditor"
import {useCycleState} from "@/app/useCycleState"
import {faBell, faBookmark, faBuilding, faCircle, faClock, faComment, faEnvelope, faEye, faFaceSmile, faFile, faFlag, faHand, faHandshake, faHeart, faImage, faMoon, faPaperPlane, faSquare, faStar, faSun, faUser, IconDefinition} from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"
import {FontAwesomeIcon} from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"
import {Dispatch, SetStateAction} from "react"
function groupTasksByIcon(a: TaskWithId) {return a.icon}
function sortGroupsByKey(a: TaskGroup, b: TaskGroup) {return a.key.localeCompare(b.key)}
function groupTasksByImportance(a: TaskWithId) {return a.importance}
function groupTasksByPriority(a: TaskWithId) {return a.priority}
function nameToFontAwesomeIcon(a: string) {
function sortGroupsByKey(a: TaskGroup, b: TaskGroup) {return a.key.localeCompare(b.key)}
function sortGroupsByImportance(a: TaskGroup, b: TaskGroup) {
const aN = IMPORTANCE_TO_NUMBER[a.key as TaskImportance]
const bN = IMPORTANCE_TO_NUMBER[b.key as TaskImportance]
return bN - aN;
function sortGroupsByPriority(a: TaskGroup, b: TaskGroup) {
const aN = PRIORITY_TO_NUMBER[a.key as TaskPriority]
const bN = PRIORITY_TO_NUMBER[b.key as TaskPriority]
return bN - aN;
function iconToTitle(a: string) {
let icon = a as TaskIcon;
return <>
<TaskIconEl icon={icon} style={"solid"}/>
@ -22,9 +33,17 @@ function nameToFontAwesomeIcon(a: string) {
function importanceToTitle(a: string) {
return IMPORTANCE_TO_STRING[a as TaskImportance];
function priorityToTitle(a: string) {
return PRIORITY_TO_STRING[a as TaskPriority];
const TASK_GROUPERS: [TaskGroupingFunction, GroupSortingFunction, GroupNamingFunction][] = [
[groupTasksByIcon, sortGroupsByKey, nameToFontAwesomeIcon],
[groupTasksByIcon, sortGroupsByKey, iconToTitle],
[groupTasksByImportance, sortGroupsByImportance, importanceToTitle],
[groupTasksByPriority, sortGroupsByPriority, priorityToTitle],
function sortTasksByText(a: TaskWithId, b: TaskWithId) {return a.text.localeCompare(b.text)}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use client";
import {Task, TaskWithId} from "@/app/board/[board]/types"
import {Task, TaskWithId} from "@/app/board/[board]/Types"
import {ReactNode, useMemo} from "react"
export type TaskGroup = {
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