# ![](.media/icon.png) Todocolors A self-hostable multiplayer todo app
> [!Warning] > > This project is currently a prototype. > > Features may be changed, break, or have security issues without anything being communicated! > > The code is a bit better now, but still may get rewritten from scratch for the next iteration of the project! > > Use and contribute at your own risk.รน ## Links [![Website](https://img.shields.io/website?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftodo.steffo.eu%2F)](https://todo.steffo.eu/) ## Screenshots ![Screenshot of the application, detailing a nonsensical "Plan for conquering the world"](.media/screenshot.png 'Screenshot of the application, detailing a nonsensical "Plan for conquering the world') ## Architecture The application is split in two modules: - [todored](todored), a backend written in [Rust] built upon [axum] - [todoblue](todoblue), a frontend written in [TypeScript] built upon [Next.JS] [Rust]: https://www.rust-lang.org/ [axum]: https://docs.rs/axum/latest/axum/ [TypeScript]: https://www.typescriptlang.org/ [Next.JS]: https://nextjs.org/ ## Installation To deploy your own instance of Todocolors, use the files contained in `todopod/`, tweaking the `network_mode` and `ports` of the `caddy` container as you see appropriate. Data will be stored in the `data/redis/rdata/` directory. ### Further customization For more customization, make changes and then build your own Docker images using the provided `Dockerfile` in `todored/` and `todoblue/`. ## Build Build instructions are provided for the two modules: - [todored](todored/BUILD.md) - [todoblue](todoblue/BUILD.md) ## Development Development instructions are provided for the two modules: - [todored](todored/DEVELOP.md) - [todoblue](todoblue/DEVELOP.md) ## License This project is licensed under the [EUPL-1.2](./LICENSE.txt). ## Attribution Open source attributions are split by module, see: - [todored](todored/NOTICE.md) - [todoblue](todoblue/NOTICE.txt)