extends Node2D class_name PuttController @export_category("References") ## The [Sprite2D] used to calculate [field sprite_texture_width] from. @export var sprite: Sprite2D ## The [AudioStreamPlayer2D] to play when a putt happens. @export var sound: AudioStreamPlayer2D @export_category("Physics") ## The maximum impulse that a putt can have. @export var putt_max_impulse: float @export_category("Scale") ## How many game units a pixel of screen mouse movement corresponds to. @export var putt_drag_scale: float ## Length multiplier of the putt ghost @export var putt_ghost_scale: float ## Curve mapping relative putt impulse to putt sound volume. @export var putt_volume: Curve ## Emitted when a putt has happened. signal putt(putt_vector: Vector2) ## The width in pixels that the putt ghost should have. @onready var sprite_texture_width: float = sprite.texture.get_width() ## Whether a putt is currently in progress of not. ## ## If this is true, then [field drag_start_point] should contain a value. var is_putting: bool = false ## The position on the screen where the putt has started. var drag_start_point: Vector2 ## Whether a putt can currently be performed or not. var can_putt: bool = false: get: return can_putt set(value): can_putt = value if not value: is_putting = false func _input(event: InputEvent): if can_putt: if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: if event.pressed: if not is_putting: start_putt(event.position) else: push_warning("Attempted to start putt while another was in progress.") else: if is_putting: end_putt(event.position) else: push_warning("Attempted to end putt while none was in progress.") if is_putting: update_putt_ghost(compute_putt(event.position, drag_start_point)) if event is InputEventMouseMotion: if is_putting: update_putt_ghost(compute_putt(event.position, drag_start_point)) func update_putt_ghost(putt_vector: Vector2): sprite.rotation = putt_vector.angle() sprite.scale.x = putt_vector.length() * putt_ghost_scale / sprite_texture_width sprite.position = position - putt_vector * putt_ghost_scale * 0.5 func compute_putt(start_position: Vector2, end_position: Vector2) -> Vector2: var vector: Vector2 = -(end_position - start_position) vector *= putt_drag_scale if vector.length() > putt_max_impulse: vector = vector.normalized() * putt_max_impulse return vector func start_putt(start_position: Vector2): visible = true is_putting = true drag_start_point = start_position func end_putt(end_position: Vector2): visible = false is_putting = false can_putt = false var putt_vector = compute_putt(drag_start_point, end_position) putt.emit(putt_vector) play_putt_sound.rpc(putt_vector) @rpc("authority", "call_local", "reliable") func play_putt_sound(putt_vector: Vector2): if multiplayer.is_server(): return var putt_impulse: float = putt_vector.length() sound.volume_db = putt_volume.sample(putt_impulse / putt_max_impulse) sound.play()