Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Steffo99/unimore-hpc-assignments.git synced 2025-03-13 20:14:42 +00:00

Get everything to work

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2022-12-02 00:15:33 +01:00
parent ae73536d76
commit ef30e88e01
Signed by: steffo
GPG key ID: 6965406171929D01
22 changed files with 404 additions and 278 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
root = true
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.idea/.gitignore generated vendored
View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
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View file

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.idea/modules.xml generated
View file

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View file

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View file

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.idea/workspace.xml generated Normal file
View file

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View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
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.vscode/settings.json vendored
View file

@ -1,5 +1,39 @@
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View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
run_benchmarks() { run_benchmarks() {
runs=25 runs=3
totalt=0.0 totalt=0.0
for i in $(seq $runs) for i in $(seq $runs)
do do
exet=$(./atax.elf) exet=$(./atax.elf 2> /dev/null)
totalt=$(awk "BEGIN{print $totalt+$exet}") totalt=$(awk "BEGIN{print $totalt+$exet}")
echo -n "." echo -n "."
# echo "Run #$i: " $(awk "BEGIN{printf(\"%.3g\", $exet)}") "seconds" # echo "Run #$i: " $(awk "BEGIN{printf(\"%.3g\", $exet)}") "seconds"
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ run_benchmarks() {
echo " Average of $runs runs: " $(awk "BEGIN{printf(\"%.3g\", $avgt)}") "seconds" echo " Average of $runs runs: " $(awk "BEGIN{printf(\"%.3g\", $avgt)}") "seconds"
} }
do do
for c in $(seq 0 7) for c in $(seq 0 3)
do do
cxxflags="-D$dataset" cxxflags="-D$dataset"
@ -32,12 +32,8 @@ do
cxxflags="$cxxflags -DHPC_USE_CUDA" cxxflags="$cxxflags -DHPC_USE_CUDA"
fi fi
if (( $c & 2 ))
cxxflags="$cxxflags -DHPC_USE_STRIDE"
echo "Flags: $cxxflags" echo "Flags: $cxxflags"
make --silent "clean"
make --silent "EXTRA_CXXFLAGS=$cxxflags" "atax.elf" make --silent "EXTRA_CXXFLAGS=$cxxflags" "atax.elf"
run_benchmarks run_benchmarks

View file

@ -5,16 +5,25 @@ MAKEFLAGS+= -r
# -O3 applies all compiler optimization, improving from 800ms to 300ms # -O3 applies all compiler optimization, improving from 800ms to 300ms
# Enable this to view the contents of the arrays
# Enable this to use CUDA
# Extend CFLAGS with command line parameters # Extend CFLAGS with command line parameters
# Select the location of the local CUDA install # Select the location of the local CUDA install
CUDA_HOME:=/usr/local/cuda-10.0 # CUDA_HOME:=/usr/local/cuda-10.0
# Specify the directory of the nvc compiler # Specify the directory of the nvc compiler
NVCC:=$(CUDA_HOME)/bin/nvcc NVCC:=$(CUDA_HOME)/bin/nvcc
# Specify the flags for the nvc compiler # Specify the flags for the nvc compiler
# Optimize for @Steffo's NVIDIA GTX 1070
NVCFLAGS+= -arch=compute_61
NVCFLAGS+= -code=sm_61
%.elf: %.cu.o polybench.cu.o %.elf: %.cu.o polybench.cu.o
$(NVCC) $(NVCFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(NVCC) $(NVCFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)
@ -23,13 +32,12 @@ NVCFLAGS:=$(CXXFLAGS) $(NVOPT)
$(NVCC) $(NVCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(NVCC) $(NVCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
.PHONY: bench clean dev all: atax.elf
dev: atax.elf .PHONY: bench clean
bench: bench:
./.bench.sh ./.bench.sh
clean: clean:
rm *.elf *.cu.o rm *.elf

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>
#include <math.h> #include <math.h>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <string>
/* Include polybench common header. */ /* Include polybench common header. */
#include "polybench.hu" #include "polybench.hu"
@ -23,16 +24,34 @@
#define CUDA_NTHREADS 128 #define CUDA_NTHREADS 128
#endif #endif
// Enable syntax highlighting for the CUDA mode
// TODO: Remove this, as it will be set by .bench.sh
#define HPC_USE_CUDA
// Enable syntax highlighting for the stride mode /**
// TODO: Remove this, as it will be set by .bench.sh * Given a `x` and a `y`, compute the relative index of the element in the `A` matrix.
#define HPC_USE_STRIDE */
__host__ __device__ inline static unsigned int a_index(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
return x * NY + y;
// Create macro for debug logging /**
#define debug(txt) std::cerr << txt << std::endl * Log a debug message.
__host__ inline static void print_debug(std::string txt) {
#ifdef HPC_DEBUG
std::cerr << txt << std::endl;
* Log an error message.
__host__ inline static void print_cudaError(cudaError_t err, std::string txt) {
#ifdef HPC_DEBUG
std::cerr << txt;
fprintf( stderr, ": error in file '%s' in line %i: %s.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err) );
/** /**
@ -45,7 +64,7 @@
* To be called on the CPU (uses the `__host__` qualifier). * To be called on the CPU (uses the `__host__` qualifier).
*/ */
#ifndef HPC_USE_CUDA #ifndef HPC_USE_CUDA
__host__ static void init_array(DATA_TYPE** A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y) __host__ static void init_array(DATA_TYPE* A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y)
{ {
/* X = [ 3.14, 6.28, 9.42, ... ] */ /* X = [ 3.14, 6.28, 9.42, ... ] */
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NY; y++) for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NY; y++)
@ -72,7 +91,7 @@ __host__ static void init_array(DATA_TYPE** A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y)
{ {
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NY; y++) for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NY; y++)
{ {
A[x][y] = (DATA_TYPE)(x * (y + 1)) / NX; A[a_index(x, y)] = (DATA_TYPE)(x * (y + 1)) / NX;
} }
} }
} }
@ -87,20 +106,21 @@ __host__ static void init_array(DATA_TYPE** A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y)
__device__ static void init_array_cuda_x(DATA_TYPE* X, unsigned int threads) __device__ static void init_array_cuda_x(DATA_TYPE* X, unsigned int threads)
{ {
// Find how many iterations should be performed by each thread // Find how many iterations should be performed by each thread
unsigned int perThread = NY / threads; unsigned int perThread = NY / threads + 1;
// Find the index of the current thread, even if threads span multiple blocks // Find the index of the current thread, even if threads span multiple blocks
int blockThreadIdx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int blockThreadIdx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// Have each thread perform the previously determined number of iterations // Have each thread perform the previously determined number of iterations
for(int stride = 0; stride < perThread; stride++) { for(int stride = 0; stride < perThread; stride++)
// Find the index of the current iteration // Find the index of the current iteration
// This is equal to `y` of the init_array function // This is equal to `y` of the init_array function
int iterationIdx = blockThreadIdx * stride; unsigned int iterationIdx = threads * stride + blockThreadIdx;
// Prevent the thread from accessing unallocated memory // Prevent the thread from accessing unallocated memory
if(iterationIdx < NY) { if(iterationIdx < NY)
// Set the array element // Set the array element
X[iterationIdx] = iterationIdx * M_PI; X[iterationIdx] = iterationIdx * M_PI;
} }
@ -117,20 +137,21 @@ __device__ static void init_array_cuda_x(DATA_TYPE* X, unsigned int threads)
__device__ static void init_array_cuda_y(DATA_TYPE* Y, unsigned int threads) __device__ static void init_array_cuda_y(DATA_TYPE* Y, unsigned int threads)
{ {
// Find how many iterations should be performed by each thread // Find how many iterations should be performed by each thread
unsigned int perThread = NX / threads; unsigned int perThread = NX / threads + 1;
// Find the index of the current thread, even if threads span multiple blocks // Find the index of the current thread, even if threads span multiple blocks
int blockThreadIdx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int blockThreadIdx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// Have each thread perform the previously determined number of iterations // Have each thread perform the previously determined number of iterations
for(int stride = 0; stride < perThread; stride++) { for(int stride = 0; stride < perThread; stride++)
// Find the index of the current iteration // Find the index of the current iteration
// This is equal to `y` of the init_array function // This is equal to `y` of the init_array function
int iterationIdx = blockThreadIdx * stride; unsigned int iterationIdx = threads * stride + blockThreadIdx;
// Prevent the thread from accessing unallocated memory // Prevent the thread from accessing unallocated memory
if(iterationIdx < NX) { if(iterationIdx < NX)
// Set the array element // Set the array element
Y[iterationIdx] = 0; Y[iterationIdx] = 0;
} }
@ -150,12 +171,29 @@ __device__ static void init_array_cuda_a(DATA_TYPE* A, unsigned int threads)
unsigned int elements = NX * NY; unsigned int elements = NX * NY;
// Find how many iterations should be performed by each thread // Find how many iterations should be performed by each thread
unsigned int perThread = elements / threads; unsigned int perThread = elements / threads + 1;
// Find the index of the current thread, even if threads span multiple blocks // Find the index of the current thread, even if threads span multiple blocks
int blockThreadIdx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int blockThreadIdx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
/* TODO */ // Have each thread perform the previously determined number of iterations
for(int stride = 0; stride < perThread; stride++)
// Find the index of the current iteration
// This is equal to `y` of the init_array function
unsigned int iterationIdx = threads * stride + blockThreadIdx;
// Determine current x and y
unsigned int y = iterationIdx % NY;
unsigned int x = iterationIdx / NY;
// Prevent the thread from accessing unallocated memory
if(iterationIdx < elements)
// Set the array element
A[iterationIdx] = (DATA_TYPE)(x * (y + 1)) / NX;
} }
#endif #endif
@ -188,11 +226,11 @@ __global__ static void init_array_cuda(DATA_TYPE* A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y)
* *
* To be called on the CPU (uses the `__host__` qualifier). * To be called on the CPU (uses the `__host__` qualifier).
*/ */
__host__ static void print_array(DATA_TYPE* Y) __host__ static void print_array(DATA_TYPE* Z, unsigned int size)
{ {
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < NX; x++) for (unsigned int z = 0; z < size; z++)
{ {
fprintf(stderr, DATA_PRINTF_MODIFIER, Y[x]); fprintf(stderr, DATA_PRINTF_MODIFIER, Z[z]);
} }
fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
} }
@ -212,25 +250,79 @@ __host__ static void print_array(DATA_TYPE* Y)
* *
* Parallelizing this is the goal of the assignment. * Parallelizing this is the goal of the assignment.
* *
* Currently to be called on the CPU (uses the `__host__` qualifier), but we may probably want to change that soon. * To be called on the CPU (uses the `__host__` qualifier).
*/ */
__host__ static void kernel_atax(DATA_TYPE** A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y) #ifndef HPC_USE_CUDA
__host__ static void kernel_atax(DATA_TYPE* A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y)
{ {
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < NX; x++) for (unsigned int x = 0; x < NY; x++)
{ {
DATA_TYPE tmp = 0; DATA_TYPE tmp = 0;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NY; y++) for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NX; y++)
{ {
tmp += A[x][y] * X[y]; tmp += A[a_index(x, y)] * X[y];
} }
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NY; y++) for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NX; y++)
{ {
Y[y] += A[x][y] * tmp; Y[x] += A[a_index(x, y)] * tmp;
} }
} }
} }
* Compute ATAX :
* - A is the input matrix
* - X is an input vector
* - Y is the result vector
* In particular:
* ```
* A * (A * X) = Y
* ```
* Wait, there's no transposition here?!?
* Parallelizing this is the goal of the assignment.
* To be called on the device as a kernel (uses the `__global__` qualifier).
__global__ static void kernel_atax_cuda(DATA_TYPE* A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y)
// Find out how many threads there are
unsigned int threads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
// Find how many iterations should be performed by each thread
unsigned int perThread = NX / threads + 1;
// Find the index of the current thread, even if threads span multiple blocks
unsigned int blockThreadIdx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// Have each thread perform the previously determined number of iterations
for(int stride = 0; stride < perThread; stride++)
unsigned int x = threads * stride + blockThreadIdx;
if(x < NX)
DATA_TYPE tmp = 0;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NX; y++)
tmp += A[a_index(x, y)] * X[y];
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NX; y++)
atomicAdd(&Y[x], A[a_index(x, y)] * tmp);
/** /**
@ -240,143 +332,180 @@ __host__ static void kernel_atax(DATA_TYPE** A, DATA_TYPE* X, DATA_TYPE* Y)
*/ */
__host__ int main(int argc, char** argv) __host__ int main(int argc, char** argv)
{ {
debug("Starting main..."); print_debug("[Main] Starting...");
std::cerr << "[Main] NX is: " << NX << std::endl;
std::cerr << "[Main] NY is: " << NY << std::endl;
#ifndef HPC_USE_CUDA #ifndef HPC_USE_CUDA
debug("[Mode] Host-only"); print_debug("[Mode] Host-only");
debug("[Pointers] Allocating..."); print_debug("[Pointers] Allocating...");
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < NX; x++) DATA_TYPE* Y = new DATA_TYPE[NX];
A[x] = new DATA_TYPE[NY] {};
// X[NY] print_debug("[Pointers] Allocated!");
// Y[NX]
debug("[Pointers] Allocated!");
debug("[Benchmark] Starting..."); print_debug("[Benchmark] Starting...");
polybench_start_instruments; polybench_start_instruments;
#endif #endif
debug("[Init] Initializing..."); print_debug("[Init] Initializing...");
init_array(A, X, Y); init_array(A, X, Y);
debug("[Init] Initialized!"); print_debug("[Init] Initialized!");
debug("[Benchmark] Starting..."); print_debug("[Benchmark] Starting...");
polybench_start_instruments; polybench_start_instruments;
#endif #endif
debug("[Kernel] Running..."); print_debug("[Kernel] Running...");
kernel_atax(A, X, Y); kernel_atax(A, X, Y);
debug("[Kernel] Completed!"); print_debug("[Kernel] Completed!");
debug("[Benchmark] Stopping..."); print_debug("[Benchmark] Stopping...");
polybench_stop_instruments; polybench_stop_instruments;
polybench_print_instruments; polybench_print_instruments;
debug("[Benchmark] Complete!"); print_debug("[Benchmark] Complete!");
debug("[Verify] Printing...") #ifdef HPC_DEBUG
print_debug("[Debug] Displaying A:");
print_array(A, NX * NY);
print_debug("[Debug] Displaying X:");
print_array(X, NY);
print_debug("[Debug] Displaying Y:");
print_array(Y, NX);
print_debug("[Verify] Printing...");
polybench_prevent_dce( polybench_prevent_dce(
print_array(Y) print_array(Y, NX)
); );
debug("[Verify] Done!") print_debug("[Verify] Done!");
#else #else
debug("[Mode] Host-and-device, CUDA"); print_debug("[Mode] Host-and-device, CUDA");
debug("[Pointers] Allocating..."); print_debug("[Pointers] Allocating...");
DATA_TYPE* host_A = new DATA_TYPE[NX * NY];
DATA_TYPE* host_X = new DATA_TYPE[NY];
DATA_TYPE* host_Y = new DATA_TYPE[NX];
debug("[CUDA] Allocating A..."); print_debug("[CUDA] Allocating A...");
if(cudaMalloc((void**)&A, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NX * NY)) if(cudaError_t err = cudaMalloc((void**)&A, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NX * NY))
{ {
debug("[CUDA] Could not allocate A!"); print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could not allocate A!");
return 1; return 1;
} }
debug("[CUDA] Allocated A!"); print_debug("[CUDA] Allocated A!");
debug("[CUDA] Allocating X..."); print_debug("[CUDA] Allocating X...");
if(cudaMalloc((void**)&X, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NY)) if(cudaError_t err = cudaMalloc((void**)&X, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NY))
{ {
debug("[CUDA] Could not allocate X!"); print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could not allocate X!");
return 1; return 1;
} }
debug("[CUDA] Allocated X!"); print_debug("[CUDA] Allocated X!");
debug("[CUDA] Allocating Y..."); print_debug("[CUDA] Allocating Y...");
if(cudaMalloc((void**)&Y, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NX)) if(cudaError_t err = cudaMalloc((void**)&Y, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NX))
{ {
debug("[CUDA] Could not allocate Y!"); print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could not allocate Y!");
return 1; return 1;
} }
debug("[CUDA] Allocated Y!"); print_debug("[CUDA] Allocated Y!");
debug("[Benchmark] Starting..."); print_debug("[Benchmark] Starting...");
polybench_start_instruments; polybench_start_instruments;
#endif #endif
debug("[Init] Initializing..."); print_debug("[Init] Initializing...");
init_array_cuda<<<32, 32>>>((double*) A, (double*) X, (double*) Y); init_array_cuda<<<32, 32>>>((double*) A, (double*) X, (double*) Y);
if(cudaGetLastError()) if(cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError())
{ {
debug("[Init] Failed to execute kernel!"); print_cudaError(err, "[Init] Failed to execute kernel!");
return 1; return 1;
} }
debug("[Init] Initialized!"); print_debug("[Init] Complete!");
debug("[Benchmark] Starting..."); print_debug("[Benchmark] Starting...");
polybench_start_instruments; polybench_start_instruments;
#endif #endif
// kernel_atax_cuda<<<1, 1>>>(); print_debug("[Kernel] Running...");
kernel_atax_cuda<<<32, 32>>>((double*) A, (double*) X, (double*) Y);
print_debug("[Kernel] Complete!");
print_debug("[CUDA] Copying A back...");
if(cudaError_t err = cudaMemcpy(host_A, A, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NX * NY, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)) {
print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could copy A back!");
return 1;
print_debug("[CUDA] Copied A back!");
print_debug("[CUDA] Copying X back...");
if(cudaError_t err = cudaMemcpy(host_X, X, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NY, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)) {
print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could copy X back!");
return 1;
print_debug("[CUDA] Copied X back!");
print_debug("[CUDA] Copying Y back...");
if(cudaError_t err = cudaMemcpy(host_Y, Y, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) * NX, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)) {
print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could copy Y back!");
return 1;
print_debug("[CUDA] Copied Y back!");
print_debug("[Benchmark] Stopping...");
polybench_stop_instruments; polybench_stop_instruments;
polybench_print_instruments; polybench_print_instruments;
print_debug("[Benchmark] Complete!");
// Y = cudaMemcpy(); print_debug("[CUDA] Freeing A...");
if(cudaError_t err = cudaFree(A)) {
debug("[CUDA] Freeing A..."); print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could not free A!");
if(cudaFree(A)) {
debug("[CUDA] Could not free A!");
return 1; return 1;
} }
debug("[CUDA] Freed A!"); print_debug("[CUDA] Freed A!");
debug("[CUDA] Freeing X..."); print_debug("[CUDA] Freeing X...");
if(cudaFree(X)) { if(cudaError_t err = cudaFree(X)) {
debug("[CUDA] Could not free X!"); print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could not free X!");
return 1; return 1;
} }
debug("[CUDA] Freed X!"); print_debug("[CUDA] Freed X!");
debug("[CUDA] Freeing Y..."); print_debug("[CUDA] Freeing Y...");
if(cudaFree(Y)) { if(cudaError_t err = cudaFree(Y)) {
debug("[CUDA] Could not free Y!"); print_cudaError(err, "[CUDA] Could not free Y!");
return 1; return 1;
} }
debug("[CUDA] Freed Y!"); print_debug("[CUDA] Freed Y!");
/* #ifdef HPC_DEBUG
print_debug("[Debug] Displaying A:");
print_array(host_A, NX * NY);
print_debug("[Debug] Displaying X:");
print_array(host_X, NY);
print_debug("[Debug] Displaying Y:");
print_array(host_Y, NX);
print_debug("[Verify] Printing...");
polybench_prevent_dce( polybench_prevent_dce(
print_array(Y) print_array(host_Y, NX)
); );
*/ print_debug("[Verify] Done!");
#endif #endif

View file

@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
#define ATAX_H #define ATAX_H
/* Default to STANDARD_DATASET. */ /* Default to STANDARD_DATASET. */
#if !defined(MINI_DATASET) && !defined(SMALL_DATASET) && !defined(STANDARD_DATASET) && !defined(LARGE_DATASET) && !defined(EXTRALARGE_DATASET) #if !defined(NANO_DATASET) && !defined(MINI_DATASET) && !defined(SMALL_DATASET) && !defined(STANDARD_DATASET) && !defined(LARGE_DATASET) && !defined(EXTRALARGE_DATASET)
#endif #endif
/* Do not define anything if the user manually defines the size. */ /* Do not define anything if the user manually defines the size. */
@ -12,6 +16,11 @@
/* Define the possible dataset sizes. */ /* Define the possible dataset sizes. */
#define NX 3
#define NY 5
#define NX 32 #define NX 32
#define NY 32 #define NY 32