-include ../../../utilities/options.mk -include ../../../utilities/c2.mk # Disable make output MAKEFLAGS+= --silent # -DPOLYBENCH_TIME makes Polybench output the execution time of the program CXXFLAGS+= -DPOLYBENCH_TIME # -Wall and -Wextra enable more warnings CXXFLAGS+= -Wall CXXFLAGS+= -Wextra # -O3 applies all compiler optimization, improving from 800ms to 300ms CXXFLAGS+= -O3 # Extend CFLAGS with command line parameters CXXFLAGS+= ${EXTRA_CXXFLAGS} # Select the location of the local CUDA install CUDA_HOME:=/opt/cuda # Specify the directory of the nvc compiler NVCC=$(CUDA_HOME)/bin/nvcc # Specify the flags for the nvc compiler NVCFLAGS:=$(CXXFLAGS) $(NVOPT) # Create an automake definition for .cu files $(BUILD_DIR)/%.cu.o: %.cu $(MKDIR_P) $(dir $@) $(NVCC) $(NVCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ .PHONY: bench bench: ./.bench.sh