Florian Mickler 0fa0559900 scripts/ default to not include unspecified tags
This changes the default of the option --git-all-signature-types to be
disabled by default.

The effect being, that only certain (currently Signed-Off-By:, Acked-by:
and Reviewed-By:) tags are used to get adresses of potential maintainers.

Motivated is this change by the desire to not 'spam' people unnecessary: A
Tested-By or a Reported-By is not ment as a hint that those people want
to/are able to review patches to the code in question.

In a quest to find resilient statistics for this i came up with this:

I produced a list of all the tag-signers not already covered with a
signed-off/acked/reviewed tag somewhere in the last year of git history.

Those were 650 addresses of "assumed non-developers".

And to check if those "assumed non-developers" are professional
testers/reporters worth cc'ing, i then counted their total appearences
in the git log:

469 were mentioned only once.
123 were mentioned twice.
38 three times
8 four times
5 six times
5 five times
1 eight times
1 fourteen times

I believe this supports my thesis, that the ''non-maintainer-tags'' are
not actively useful for patch-review.  (except probably the guy mentioned
fourteen times...)

But of course one could also find arguments to poke holes in this
statistics, for example does this statistic not include code-locality: A
tested-by on a patch that touches some specific piece of code can be more
worth than a signed-off in another part of the tree.

But...  let's play it safe and let's err on the "safe" side meaning to not
spam those people when in doubt.  We already have the signed-off's and
Maintainers file.  So this should be ok.  And if need be, the maintainers
can always forward the patch.

[i probably could make a diploma thesis out of this changelog :)]

Signed-off-by: Florian Mickler <>
Acked-by: Wolfram Sang <>
Cc: Joe Perches <>
Cc: Stefan Richter <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2010-05-25 08:07:05 -07:00

1379 lines
34 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (c) 2007, Joe Perches <>
# created from
# Print selected MAINTAINERS information for
# the files modified in a patch or for a file
# usage: perl scripts/ [OPTIONS] <patch>
# perl scripts/ [OPTIONS] -f <file>
# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
use strict;
my $P = $0;
my $V = '0.24';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
my $lk_path = "./";
my $email = 1;
my $email_usename = 1;
my $email_maintainer = 1;
my $email_list = 1;
my $email_subscriber_list = 0;
my $email_git_penguin_chiefs = 0;
my $email_git = 1;
my $email_git_all_signature_types = 0;
my $email_git_blame = 0;
my $email_git_min_signatures = 1;
my $email_git_max_maintainers = 5;
my $email_git_min_percent = 5;
my $email_git_since = "1-year-ago";
my $email_hg_since = "-365";
my $email_remove_duplicates = 1;
my $output_multiline = 1;
my $output_separator = ", ";
my $output_roles = 0;
my $output_rolestats = 0;
my $scm = 0;
my $web = 0;
my $subsystem = 0;
my $status = 0;
my $keywords = 1;
my $sections = 0;
my $file_emails = 0;
my $from_filename = 0;
my $pattern_depth = 0;
my $version = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $exit = 0;
my @penguin_chief = ();
push(@penguin_chief, "Linus Torvalds:torvalds\");
#Andrew wants in on most everything - 2009/01/14
#push(@penguin_chief, "Andrew Morton:akpm\");
my @penguin_chief_names = ();
foreach my $chief (@penguin_chief) {
if ($chief =~ m/^(.*):(.*)/) {
my $chief_name = $1;
my $chief_addr = $2;
push(@penguin_chief_names, $chief_name);
my $penguin_chiefs = "\(" . join("|", @penguin_chief_names) . "\)";
# Signature types of people who are either
# a) responsible for the code in question, or
# b) familiar enough with it to give relevant feedback
my @signature_tags = ();
push(@signature_tags, "Signed-off-by:");
push(@signature_tags, "Reviewed-by:");
push(@signature_tags, "Acked-by:");
my $signaturePattern = "\(" . join("|", @signature_tags) . "\)";
# rfc822 email address - preloaded methods go here.
my $rfc822_lwsp = "(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])";
my $rfc822_char = '[\\000-\\377]';
# VCS command support: class-like functions and strings
my %VCS_cmds;
my %VCS_cmds_git = (
"execute_cmd" => \&git_execute_cmd,
"available" => '(which("git") ne "") && (-d ".git")',
"find_signers_cmd" => "git log --no-color --since=\$email_git_since -- \$file",
"find_commit_signers_cmd" => "git log --no-color -1 \$commit",
"blame_range_cmd" => "git blame -l -L \$diff_start,+\$diff_length \$file",
"blame_file_cmd" => "git blame -l \$file",
"commit_pattern" => "^commit [0-9a-f]{40,40}",
"blame_commit_pattern" => "^([0-9a-f]+) "
my %VCS_cmds_hg = (
"execute_cmd" => \&hg_execute_cmd,
"available" => '(which("hg") ne "") && (-d ".hg")',
"find_signers_cmd" =>
"hg log --date=\$email_hg_since" .
" --template='commit {node}\\n{desc}\\n' -- \$file",
"find_commit_signers_cmd" => "hg log --template='{desc}\\n' -r \$commit",
"blame_range_cmd" => "", # not supported
"blame_file_cmd" => "hg blame -c \$file",
"commit_pattern" => "^commit [0-9a-f]{40,40}",
"blame_commit_pattern" => "^([0-9a-f]+):"
if (-f "${lk_path}.get_maintainer.conf") {
my @conf_args;
open(my $conffile, '<', "${lk_path}.get_maintainer.conf")
or warn "$P: Can't open .get_maintainer.conf: $!\n";
while (<$conffile>) {
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/\s*\n?$//g;
$line =~ s/^\s*//g;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/);
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/);
my @words = split(" ", $line);
foreach my $word (@words) {
last if ($word =~ m/^#/);
push (@conf_args, $word);
unshift(@ARGV, @conf_args) if @conf_args;
if (!GetOptions(
'email!' => \$email,
'git!' => \$email_git,
'git-all-signature-types!' => \$email_git_all_signature_types,
'git-blame!' => \$email_git_blame,
'git-chief-penguins!' => \$email_git_penguin_chiefs,
'git-min-signatures=i' => \$email_git_min_signatures,
'git-max-maintainers=i' => \$email_git_max_maintainers,
'git-min-percent=i' => \$email_git_min_percent,
'git-since=s' => \$email_git_since,
'hg-since=s' => \$email_hg_since,
'remove-duplicates!' => \$email_remove_duplicates,
'm!' => \$email_maintainer,
'n!' => \$email_usename,
'l!' => \$email_list,
's!' => \$email_subscriber_list,
'multiline!' => \$output_multiline,
'roles!' => \$output_roles,
'rolestats!' => \$output_rolestats,
'separator=s' => \$output_separator,
'subsystem!' => \$subsystem,
'status!' => \$status,
'scm!' => \$scm,
'web!' => \$web,
'pattern-depth=i' => \$pattern_depth,
'k|keywords!' => \$keywords,
'sections!' => \$sections,
'fe|file-emails!' => \$file_emails,
'f|file' => \$from_filename,
'v|version' => \$version,
'h|help|usage' => \$help,
)) {
die "$P: invalid argument - use --help if necessary\n";
if ($help != 0) {
exit 0;
if ($version != 0) {
print("${P} ${V}\n");
exit 0;
if (-t STDIN && !@ARGV) {
# We're talking to a terminal, but have no command line arguments.
die "$P: missing patchfile or -f file - use --help if necessary\n";
if ($output_separator ne ", ") {
$output_multiline = 0;
if ($output_rolestats) {
$output_roles = 1;
if ($sections) {
$email = 0;
$email_list = 0;
$scm = 0;
$status = 0;
$subsystem = 0;
$web = 0;
$keywords = 0;
} else {
my $selections = $email + $scm + $status + $subsystem + $web;
if ($selections == 0) {
die "$P: Missing required option: email, scm, status, subsystem or web\n";
if ($email &&
($email_maintainer + $email_list + $email_subscriber_list +
$email_git + $email_git_penguin_chiefs + $email_git_blame) == 0) {
die "$P: Please select at least 1 email option\n";
if (!top_of_kernel_tree($lk_path)) {
die "$P: The current directory does not appear to be "
. "a linux kernel source tree.\n";
if ($email_git_all_signature_types) {
$signaturePattern = "(.+?)[Bb][Yy]:";
## Read MAINTAINERS for type/value pairs
my @typevalue = ();
my %keyword_hash;
open (my $maint, '<', "${lk_path}MAINTAINERS")
or die "$P: Can't open MAINTAINERS: $!\n";
while (<$maint>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
my $type = $1;
my $value = $2;
##Filename pattern matching
if ($type eq "F" || $type eq "X") {
$value =~ s@\.@\\\.@g; ##Convert . to \.
$value =~ s/\*/\.\*/g; ##Convert * to .*
$value =~ s/\?/\./g; ##Convert ? to .
##if pattern is a directory and it lacks a trailing slash, add one
if ((-d $value)) {
$value =~ s@([^/])$@$1/@;
} elsif ($type eq "K") {
$keyword_hash{@typevalue} = $value;
push(@typevalue, "$type:$value");
} elsif (!/^(\s)*$/) {
$line =~ s/\n$//g;
push(@typevalue, $line);
my %mailmap;
if ($email_remove_duplicates) {
open(my $mailmap, '<', "${lk_path}.mailmap")
or warn "$P: Can't open .mailmap: $!\n";
while (<$mailmap>) {
my $line = $_;
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/);
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/);
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($line);
$line = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/);
if (exists($mailmap{$name})) {
my $obj = $mailmap{$name};
push(@$obj, $address);
} else {
my @arr = ($address);
$mailmap{$name} = \@arr;
## use the filenames on the command line or find the filenames in the patchfiles
my @files = ();
my @range = ();
my @keyword_tvi = ();
my @file_emails = ();
if (!@ARGV) {
push(@ARGV, "&STDIN");
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
if ($file ne "&STDIN") {
##if $file is a directory and it lacks a trailing slash, add one
if ((-d $file)) {
$file =~ s@([^/])$@$1/@;
} elsif (!(-f $file)) {
die "$P: file '${file}' not found\n";
if ($from_filename) {
push(@files, $file);
if (-f $file && ($keywords || $file_emails)) {
open(my $f, '<', $file)
or die "$P: Can't open $file: $!\n";
my $text = do { local($/) ; <$f> };
if ($keywords) {
foreach my $line (keys %keyword_hash) {
if ($text =~ m/$keyword_hash{$line}/x) {
push(@keyword_tvi, $line);
if ($file_emails) {
my @poss_addr = $text =~ m$[A-Za-zÀ-ÿ\"\' \,\.\+-]*\s*[\,]*\s*[\(\<\{]{0,1}[A-Za-z0-9_\.\+-]+\@[A-Za-z0-9\.-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\)\>\}]{0,1}$g;
push(@file_emails, clean_file_emails(@poss_addr));
} else {
my $file_cnt = @files;
my $lastfile;
open(my $patch, "< $file")
or die "$P: Can't open $file: $!\n";
while (<$patch>) {
my $patch_line = $_;
if (m/^\+\+\+\s+(\S+)/) {
my $filename = $1;
$filename =~ s@^[^/]*/@@;
$filename =~ s@\n@@;
$lastfile = $filename;
push(@files, $filename);
} elsif (m/^\@\@ -(\d+),(\d+)/) {
if ($email_git_blame) {
push(@range, "$lastfile:$1:$2");
} elsif ($keywords) {
foreach my $line (keys %keyword_hash) {
if ($patch_line =~ m/^[+-].*$keyword_hash{$line}/x) {
push(@keyword_tvi, $line);
if ($file_cnt == @files) {
warn "$P: file '${file}' doesn't appear to be a patch. "
. "Add -f to options?\n";
@files = sort_and_uniq(@files);
@file_emails = uniq(@file_emails);
my @email_to = ();
my @list_to = ();
my @scm = ();
my @web = ();
my @subsystem = ();
my @status = ();
# Find responsible parties
foreach my $file (@files) {
my %hash;
my $tvi = find_first_section();
while ($tvi < @typevalue) {
my $start = find_starting_index($tvi);
my $end = find_ending_index($tvi);
my $exclude = 0;
my $i;
#Do not match excluded file patterns
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
my $line = $typevalue[$i];
if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
my $type = $1;
my $value = $2;
if ($type eq 'X') {
if (file_match_pattern($file, $value)) {
$exclude = 1;
if (!$exclude) {
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
my $line = $typevalue[$i];
if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
my $type = $1;
my $value = $2;
if ($type eq 'F') {
if (file_match_pattern($file, $value)) {
my $value_pd = ($value =~ tr@/@@);
my $file_pd = ($file =~ tr@/@@);
$value_pd++ if (substr($value,-1,1) ne "/");
if ($pattern_depth == 0 ||
(($file_pd - $value_pd) < $pattern_depth)) {
$hash{$tvi} = $value_pd;
$tvi = $end + 1;
foreach my $line (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) {
if ($sections) {
my $i;
my $start = find_starting_index($line);
my $end = find_ending_index($line);
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
my $line = $typevalue[$i];
if ($line =~ /^[FX]:/) { ##Restore file patterns
$line =~ s/([^\\])\.([^\*])/$1\?$2/g;
$line =~ s/([^\\])\.$/$1\?/g; ##Convert . back to ?
$line =~ s/\\\./\./g; ##Convert \. to .
$line =~ s/\.\*/\*/g; ##Convert .* to *
$line =~ s/^([A-Z]):/$1:\t/g;
if ($email && $email_git) {
if ($email && $email_git_blame) {
if ($keywords) {
@keyword_tvi = sort_and_uniq(@keyword_tvi);
foreach my $line (@keyword_tvi) {
if ($email) {
foreach my $chief (@penguin_chief) {
if ($chief =~ m/^(.*):(.*)/) {
my $email_address;
$email_address = format_email($1, $2, $email_usename);
if ($email_git_penguin_chiefs) {
push(@email_to, [$email_address, 'chief penguin']);
} else {
@email_to = grep($_->[0] !~ /${email_address}/, @email_to);
foreach my $email (@file_emails) {
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($email);
my $tmp_email = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
push_email_address($tmp_email, '');
add_role($tmp_email, 'in file');
if ($email || $email_list) {
my @to = ();
if ($email) {
@to = (@to, @email_to);
if ($email_list) {
@to = (@to, @list_to);
if ($scm) {
@scm = uniq(@scm);
if ($status) {
@status = uniq(@status);
if ($subsystem) {
@subsystem = uniq(@subsystem);
if ($web) {
@web = uniq(@web);
sub file_match_pattern {
my ($file, $pattern) = @_;
if (substr($pattern, -1) eq "/") {
if ($file =~ m@^$pattern@) {
return 1;
} else {
if ($file =~ m@^$pattern@) {
my $s1 = ($file =~ tr@/@@);
my $s2 = ($pattern =~ tr@/@@);
if ($s1 == $s2) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub usage {
print <<EOT;
usage: $P [options] patchfile
$P [options] -f file|directory
version: $V
MAINTAINER field selection options:
--email => print email address(es) if any
--git => include recent git \*-by: signers
--git-all-signature-types => include signers regardless of signature type
or use only ${signaturePattern} signers (default: $email_git_all_signature_types)
--git-chief-penguins => include ${penguin_chiefs}
--git-min-signatures => number of signatures required (default: $email_git_min_signatures)
--git-max-maintainers => maximum maintainers to add (default: $email_git_max_maintainers)
--git-min-percent => minimum percentage of commits required (default: $email_git_min_percent)
--git-blame => use git blame to find modified commits for patch or file
--git-since => git history to use (default: $email_git_since)
--hg-since => hg history to use (default: $email_hg_since)
--m => include maintainer(s) if any
--n => include name 'Full Name <addr\@domain.tld>'
--l => include list(s) if any
--s => include subscriber only list(s) if any
--remove-duplicates => minimize duplicate email names/addresses
--roles => show roles (status:subsystem, git-signer, list, etc...)
--rolestats => show roles and statistics (commits/total_commits, %)
--file-emails => add email addresses found in -f file (default: 0 (off))
--scm => print SCM tree(s) if any
--status => print status if any
--subsystem => print subsystem name if any
--web => print website(s) if any
Output type options:
--separator [, ] => separator for multiple entries on 1 line
using --separator also sets --nomultiline if --separator is not [, ]
--multiline => print 1 entry per line
Other options:
--pattern-depth => Number of pattern directory traversals (default: 0 (all))
--keywords => scan patch for keywords (default: 1 (on))
--sections => print the entire subsystem sections with pattern matches
--version => show version
--help => show this help information
Default options:
[--email --git --m --n --l --multiline --pattern-depth=0 --remove-duplicates]
Using "-f directory" may give unexpected results:
Used with "--git", git signators for _all_ files in and below
directory are examined as git recurses directories.
Any specified X: (exclude) pattern matches are _not_ ignored.
Used with "--nogit", directory is used as a pattern match,
no individual file within the directory or subdirectory
is matched.
Used with "--git-blame", does not iterate all files in directory
Using "--git-blame" is slow and may add old committers and authors
that are no longer active maintainers to the output.
Using "--roles" or "--rolestats" with git send-email --cc-cmd or any
other automated tools that expect only ["name"] <email address>
may not work because of additional output after <email address>.
Using "--rolestats" and "--git-blame" shows the #/total=% commits,
not the percentage of the entire file authored. # of commits is
not a good measure of amount of code authored. 1 major commit may
contain a thousand lines, 5 trivial commits may modify a single line.
If git is not installed, but mercurial (hg) is installed and an .hg
repository exists, the following options apply to mercurial:
--git-min-signatures, --git-max-maintainers, --git-min-percent, and
Use --hg-since not --git-since to control date selection
File ".get_maintainer.conf", if it exists in the linux kernel source root
directory, can change whatever get_maintainer defaults are desired.
Entries in this file can be any command line argument.
This file is prepended to any additional command line arguments.
Multiple lines and # comments are allowed.
sub top_of_kernel_tree {
my ($lk_path) = @_;
if ($lk_path ne "" && substr($lk_path,length($lk_path)-1,1) ne "/") {
$lk_path .= "/";
if ( (-f "${lk_path}COPYING")
&& (-f "${lk_path}CREDITS")
&& (-f "${lk_path}Kbuild")
&& (-f "${lk_path}MAINTAINERS")
&& (-f "${lk_path}Makefile")
&& (-f "${lk_path}README")
&& (-d "${lk_path}Documentation")
&& (-d "${lk_path}arch")
&& (-d "${lk_path}include")
&& (-d "${lk_path}drivers")
&& (-d "${lk_path}fs")
&& (-d "${lk_path}init")
&& (-d "${lk_path}ipc")
&& (-d "${lk_path}kernel")
&& (-d "${lk_path}lib")
&& (-d "${lk_path}scripts")) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub parse_email {
my ($formatted_email) = @_;
my $name = "";
my $address = "";
if ($formatted_email =~ /^([^<]+)<(.+\@.*)>.*$/) {
$name = $1;
$address = $2;
} elsif ($formatted_email =~ /^\s*<(.+\@\S*)>.*$/) {
$address = $1;
} elsif ($formatted_email =~ /^(.+\@\S*).*$/) {
$address = $1;
$name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$name =~ s/^\"|\"$//g;
$address =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
if ($name =~ /[^\w \-]/i) { ##has "must quote" chars
$name =~ s/(?<!\\)"/\\"/g; ##escape quotes
$name = "\"$name\"";
return ($name, $address);
sub format_email {
my ($name, $address, $usename) = @_;
my $formatted_email;
$name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$name =~ s/^\"|\"$//g;
$address =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
if ($name =~ /[^\w \-]/i) { ##has "must quote" chars
$name =~ s/(?<!\\)"/\\"/g; ##escape quotes
$name = "\"$name\"";
if ($usename) {
if ("$name" eq "") {
$formatted_email = "$address";
} else {
$formatted_email = "$name <$address>";
} else {
$formatted_email = $address;
return $formatted_email;
sub find_first_section {
my $index = 0;
while ($index < @typevalue) {
my $tv = $typevalue[$index];
if (($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/)) {
return $index;
sub find_starting_index {
my ($index) = @_;
while ($index > 0) {
my $tv = $typevalue[$index];
if (!($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/)) {
return $index;
sub find_ending_index {
my ($index) = @_;
while ($index < @typevalue) {
my $tv = $typevalue[$index];
if (!($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/)) {
return $index;
sub get_maintainer_role {
my ($index) = @_;
my $i;
my $start = find_starting_index($index);
my $end = find_ending_index($index);
my $role;
my $subsystem = $typevalue[$start];
if (length($subsystem) > 20) {
$subsystem = substr($subsystem, 0, 17);
$subsystem =~ s/\s*$//;
$subsystem = $subsystem . "...";
for ($i = $start + 1; $i < $end; $i++) {
my $tv = $typevalue[$i];
if ($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
my $ptype = $1;
my $pvalue = $2;
if ($ptype eq "S") {
$role = $pvalue;
$role = lc($role);
if ($role eq "supported") {
$role = "supporter";
} elsif ($role eq "maintained") {
$role = "maintainer";
} elsif ($role eq "odd fixes") {
$role = "odd fixer";
} elsif ($role eq "orphan") {
$role = "orphan minder";
} elsif ($role eq "obsolete") {
$role = "obsolete minder";
} elsif ($role eq "buried alive in reporters") {
$role = "chief penguin";
return $role . ":" . $subsystem;
sub get_list_role {
my ($index) = @_;
my $i;
my $start = find_starting_index($index);
my $end = find_ending_index($index);
my $subsystem = $typevalue[$start];
if (length($subsystem) > 20) {
$subsystem = substr($subsystem, 0, 17);
$subsystem =~ s/\s*$//;
$subsystem = $subsystem . "...";
if ($subsystem eq "THE REST") {
$subsystem = "";
return $subsystem;
sub add_categories {
my ($index) = @_;
my $i;
my $start = find_starting_index($index);
my $end = find_ending_index($index);
push(@subsystem, $typevalue[$start]);
for ($i = $start + 1; $i < $end; $i++) {
my $tv = $typevalue[$i];
if ($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
my $ptype = $1;
my $pvalue = $2;
if ($ptype eq "L") {
my $list_address = $pvalue;
my $list_additional = "";
my $list_role = get_list_role($i);
if ($list_role ne "") {
$list_role = ":" . $list_role;
if ($list_address =~ m/([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$/) {
$list_address = $1;
$list_additional = $2;
if ($list_additional =~ m/subscribers-only/) {
if ($email_subscriber_list) {
push(@list_to, [$list_address, "subscriber list${list_role}"]);
} else {
if ($email_list) {
push(@list_to, [$list_address, "open list${list_role}"]);
} elsif ($ptype eq "M") {
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($pvalue);
if ($name eq "") {
if ($i > 0) {
my $tv = $typevalue[$i - 1];
if ($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq "P") {
$name = $2;
$pvalue = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
if ($email_maintainer) {
my $role = get_maintainer_role($i);
push_email_addresses($pvalue, $role);
} elsif ($ptype eq "T") {
push(@scm, $pvalue);
} elsif ($ptype eq "W") {
push(@web, $pvalue);
} elsif ($ptype eq "S") {
push(@status, $pvalue);
my %email_hash_name;
my %email_hash_address;
sub email_inuse {
my ($name, $address) = @_;
return 1 if (($name eq "") && ($address eq ""));
return 1 if (($name ne "") && exists($email_hash_name{$name}));
return 1 if (($address ne "") && exists($email_hash_address{$address}));
return 0;
sub push_email_address {
my ($line, $role) = @_;
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($line);
if ($address eq "") {
return 0;
if (!$email_remove_duplicates) {
push(@email_to, [format_email($name, $address, $email_usename), $role]);
} elsif (!email_inuse($name, $address)) {
push(@email_to, [format_email($name, $address, $email_usename), $role]);
return 1;
sub push_email_addresses {
my ($address, $role) = @_;
my @address_list = ();
if (rfc822_valid($address)) {
push_email_address($address, $role);
} elsif (@address_list = rfc822_validlist($address)) {
my $array_count = shift(@address_list);
while (my $entry = shift(@address_list)) {
push_email_address($entry, $role);
} else {
if (!push_email_address($address, $role)) {
warn("Invalid MAINTAINERS address: '" . $address . "'\n");
sub add_role {
my ($line, $role) = @_;
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($line);
my $email = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
foreach my $entry (@email_to) {
if ($email_remove_duplicates) {
my ($entry_name, $entry_address) = parse_email($entry->[0]);
if (($name eq $entry_name || $address eq $entry_address)
&& ($role eq "" || !($entry->[1] =~ m/$role/))
) {
if ($entry->[1] eq "") {
$entry->[1] = "$role";
} else {
$entry->[1] = "$entry->[1],$role";
} else {
if ($email eq $entry->[0]
&& ($role eq "" || !($entry->[1] =~ m/$role/))
) {
if ($entry->[1] eq "") {
$entry->[1] = "$role";
} else {
$entry->[1] = "$entry->[1],$role";
sub which {
my ($bin) = @_;
foreach my $path (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
if (-e "$path/$bin") {
return "$path/$bin";
return "";
sub mailmap {
my (@lines) = @_;
my %hash;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($line);
if (!exists($hash{$name})) {
$hash{$name} = $address;
} elsif ($address ne $hash{$name}) {
$address = $hash{$name};
$line = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
if (exists($mailmap{$name})) {
my $obj = $mailmap{$name};
foreach my $map_address (@$obj) {
if (($map_address eq $address) &&
($map_address ne $hash{$name})) {
$line = format_email($name, $hash{$name}, $email_usename);
return @lines;
sub git_execute_cmd {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my @lines = ();
my $output = `$cmd`;
$output =~ s/^\s*//gm;
@lines = split("\n", $output);
return @lines;
sub hg_execute_cmd {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my @lines = ();
my $output = `$cmd`;
@lines = split("\n", $output);
return @lines;
sub vcs_find_signers {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my @lines = ();
my $commits;
@lines = &{$VCS_cmds{"execute_cmd"}}($cmd);
my $pattern = $VCS_cmds{"commit_pattern"};
$commits = grep(/$pattern/, @lines); # of commits
@lines = grep(/^[ \t]*${signaturePattern}.*\@.*$/, @lines);
if (!$email_git_penguin_chiefs) {
@lines = grep(!/${penguin_chiefs}/i, @lines);
# cut -f2- -d":"
s/.*:\s*(.+)\s*/$1/ for (@lines);
## Reformat email addresses (with names) to avoid badly written signatures
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($line);
$line = format_email($name, $address, 1);
return ($commits, @lines);
sub vcs_save_commits {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my @lines = ();
my @commits = ();
@lines = &{$VCS_cmds{"execute_cmd"}}($cmd);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ m/$VCS_cmds{"blame_commit_pattern"}/) {
push(@commits, $1);
return @commits;
sub vcs_blame {
my ($file) = @_;
my $cmd;
my @commits = ();
return @commits if (!(-f $file));
if (@range && $VCS_cmds{"blame_range_cmd"} eq "") {
my @all_commits = ();
$cmd = $VCS_cmds{"blame_file_cmd"};
$cmd =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; #interpolate $cmd
@all_commits = vcs_save_commits($cmd);
foreach my $file_range_diff (@range) {
next if (!($file_range_diff =~ m/(.+):(.+):(.+)/));
my $diff_file = $1;
my $diff_start = $2;
my $diff_length = $3;
next if ("$file" ne "$diff_file");
for (my $i = $diff_start; $i < $diff_start + $diff_length; $i++) {
push(@commits, $all_commits[$i]);
} elsif (@range) {
foreach my $file_range_diff (@range) {
next if (!($file_range_diff =~ m/(.+):(.+):(.+)/));
my $diff_file = $1;
my $diff_start = $2;
my $diff_length = $3;
next if ("$file" ne "$diff_file");
$cmd = $VCS_cmds{"blame_range_cmd"};
$cmd =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; #interpolate $cmd
push(@commits, vcs_save_commits($cmd));
} else {
$cmd = $VCS_cmds{"blame_file_cmd"};
$cmd =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; #interpolate $cmd
@commits = vcs_save_commits($cmd);
return @commits;
my $printed_novcs = 0;
sub vcs_exists {
%VCS_cmds = %VCS_cmds_git;
return 1 if eval $VCS_cmds{"available"};
%VCS_cmds = %VCS_cmds_hg;
return 1 if eval $VCS_cmds{"available"};
%VCS_cmds = ();
if (!$printed_novcs) {
warn("$P: No supported VCS found. Add --nogit to options?\n");
warn("Using a git repository produces better results.\n");
warn("Try Linus Torvalds' latest git repository using:\n");
warn("git clone git://\n");
$printed_novcs = 1;
return 0;
sub vcs_assign {
my ($role, $divisor, @lines) = @_;
my %hash;
my $count = 0;
return if (@lines <= 0);
if ($divisor <= 0) {
warn("Bad divisor in " . (caller(0))[3] . ": $divisor\n");
$divisor = 1;
if ($email_remove_duplicates) {
@lines = mailmap(@lines);
@lines = sort(@lines);
# uniq -c
$hash{$_}++ for @lines;
# sort -rn
foreach my $line (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) {
my $sign_offs = $hash{$line};
my $percent = $sign_offs * 100 / $divisor;
$percent = 100 if ($percent > 100);
last if ($sign_offs < $email_git_min_signatures ||
$count > $email_git_max_maintainers ||
$percent < $email_git_min_percent);
push_email_address($line, '');
if ($output_rolestats) {
my $fmt_percent = sprintf("%.0f", $percent);
add_role($line, "$role:$sign_offs/$divisor=$fmt_percent%");
} else {
add_role($line, $role);
sub vcs_file_signoffs {
my ($file) = @_;
my @signers = ();
my $commits;
return if (!vcs_exists());
my $cmd = $VCS_cmds{"find_signers_cmd"};
$cmd =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; # interpolate $cmd
($commits, @signers) = vcs_find_signers($cmd);
vcs_assign("commit_signer", $commits, @signers);
sub vcs_file_blame {
my ($file) = @_;
my @signers = ();
my @commits = ();
my $total_commits;
return if (!vcs_exists());
@commits = vcs_blame($file);
@commits = uniq(@commits);
$total_commits = @commits;
foreach my $commit (@commits) {
my $commit_count;
my @commit_signers = ();
my $cmd = $VCS_cmds{"find_commit_signers_cmd"};
$cmd =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; #interpolate $cmd
($commit_count, @commit_signers) = vcs_find_signers($cmd);
push(@signers, @commit_signers);
if ($from_filename) {
vcs_assign("commits", $total_commits, @signers);
} else {
vcs_assign("modified commits", $total_commits, @signers);
sub uniq {
my (@parms) = @_;
my %saw;
@parms = grep(!$saw{$_}++, @parms);
return @parms;
sub sort_and_uniq {
my (@parms) = @_;
my %saw;
@parms = sort @parms;
@parms = grep(!$saw{$_}++, @parms);
return @parms;
sub clean_file_emails {
my (@file_emails) = @_;
my @fmt_emails = ();
foreach my $email (@file_emails) {
$email =~ s/[\(\<\{]{0,1}([A-Za-z0-9_\.\+-]+\@[A-Za-z0-9\.-]+)[\)\>\}]{0,1}/\<$1\>/g;
my ($name, $address) = parse_email($email);
if ($name eq '"[,\.]"') {
$name = "";
my @nw = split(/[^A-Za-zÀ-ÿ\'\,\.\+-]/, $name);
if (@nw > 2) {
my $first = $nw[@nw - 3];
my $middle = $nw[@nw - 2];
my $last = $nw[@nw - 1];
if (((length($first) == 1 && $first =~ m/[A-Za-z]/) ||
(length($first) == 2 && substr($first, -1) eq ".")) ||
(length($middle) == 1 ||
(length($middle) == 2 && substr($middle, -1) eq "."))) {
$name = "$first $middle $last";
} else {
$name = "$middle $last";
if (substr($name, -1) =~ /[,\.]/) {
$name = substr($name, 0, length($name) - 1);
} elsif (substr($name, -2) =~ /[,\.]"/) {
$name = substr($name, 0, length($name) - 2) . '"';
if (substr($name, 0, 1) =~ /[,\.]/) {
$name = substr($name, 1, length($name) - 1);
} elsif (substr($name, 0, 2) =~ /"[,\.]/) {
$name = '"' . substr($name, 2, length($name) - 2);
my $fmt_email = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
push(@fmt_emails, $fmt_email);
return @fmt_emails;
sub merge_email {
my @lines;
my %saw;
for (@_) {
my ($address, $role) = @$_;
if (!$saw{$address}) {
if ($output_roles) {
push(@lines, "$address ($role)");
} else {
push(@lines, $address);
$saw{$address} = 1;
return @lines;
sub output {
my (@parms) = @_;
if ($output_multiline) {
foreach my $line (@parms) {
} else {
print(join($output_separator, @parms));
my $rfc822re;
sub make_rfc822re {
# Basic lexical tokens are specials, domain_literal, quoted_string, atom, and
# comment. We must allow for rfc822_lwsp (or comments) after each of these.
# This regexp will only work on addresses which have had comments stripped
# and replaced with rfc822_lwsp.
my $specials = '()<>@,;:\\\\".\\[\\]';
my $controls = '\\000-\\037\\177';
my $dtext = "[^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]";
my $domain_literal = "\\[(?:$dtext|\\\\.)*\\]$rfc822_lwsp*";
my $quoted_string = "\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|$rfc822_lwsp)*\"$rfc822_lwsp*";
# Use zero-width assertion to spot the limit of an atom. A simple
# $rfc822_lwsp* causes the regexp engine to hang occasionally.
my $atom = "[^$specials $controls]+(?:$rfc822_lwsp+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"$specials]))";
my $word = "(?:$atom|$quoted_string)";
my $localpart = "$word(?:\\.$rfc822_lwsp*$word)*";
my $sub_domain = "(?:$atom|$domain_literal)";
my $domain = "$sub_domain(?:\\.$rfc822_lwsp*$sub_domain)*";
my $addr_spec = "$localpart\@$rfc822_lwsp*$domain";
my $phrase = "$word*";
my $route = "(?:\@$domain(?:,\@$rfc822_lwsp*$domain)*:$rfc822_lwsp*)";
my $route_addr = "\\<$rfc822_lwsp*$route?$addr_spec\\>$rfc822_lwsp*";
my $mailbox = "(?:$addr_spec|$phrase$route_addr)";
my $group = "$phrase:$rfc822_lwsp*(?:$mailbox(?:,\\s*$mailbox)*)?;\\s*";
my $address = "(?:$mailbox|$group)";
return "$rfc822_lwsp*$address";
sub rfc822_strip_comments {
my $s = shift;
# Recursively remove comments, and replace with a single space. The simpler
# regexps in the Email Addressing FAQ are imperfect - they will miss escaped
# chars in atoms, for example.
while ($s =~ s/^((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*
\((?:[^()\\]|\\.)*\)/$1 /osx) {}
return $s;
# valid: returns true if the parameter is an RFC822 valid address
sub rfc822_valid {
my $s = rfc822_strip_comments(shift);
if (!$rfc822re) {
$rfc822re = make_rfc822re();
return $s =~ m/^$rfc822re$/so && $s =~ m/^$rfc822_char*$/;
# validlist: In scalar context, returns true if the parameter is an RFC822
# valid list of addresses.
# In list context, returns an empty list on failure (an invalid
# address was found); otherwise a list whose first element is the
# number of addresses found and whose remaining elements are the
# addresses. This is needed to disambiguate failure (invalid)
# from success with no addresses found, because an empty string is
# a valid list.
sub rfc822_validlist {
my $s = rfc822_strip_comments(shift);
if (!$rfc822re) {
$rfc822re = make_rfc822re();
# * null list items are valid according to the RFC
# * the '1' business is to aid in distinguishing failure from no results
my @r;
if ($s =~ m/^(?:$rfc822re)?(?:,(?:$rfc822re)?)*$/so &&
$s =~ m/^$rfc822_char*$/) {
while ($s =~ m/(?:^|,$rfc822_lwsp*)($rfc822re)/gos) {
push(@r, $1);
return wantarray ? (scalar(@r), @r) : 1;
return wantarray ? () : 0;