# `cleaver` A file compression, encryption and splitting utility in Java 13. Made for the [Programmazione ad Oggetti exam](http://didattica.agentgroup.unimore.it/wiki/index.php/Programmazione_ad_Oggetti#Modalit.C3.A0_di_Sviluppo_del_Progetto_Java) at Unimore. > This project is in active development! Everything may change or break at any time. ## Specification The project specification document is available [here](http://didattica.agentgroup.unimore.it/wiki/images/4/48/Tesina1920.pdf). ## Documentation The documentation for this project is available [here](https://gh.steffo.eu/cleaver). It is being hosted on GitHub Pages. ## Screenshots ### Progress #### 2020-01-09  #### 2020-01-03  #### 2019-12-07  #### 2019-12-06  #### 2019-12-05-2  #### 2019-12-05  #### 2019-12-04