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🌍 Translated UI

This commit is contained in:
@uni-chiara 2021-05-25 18:26:59 +02:00
parent 981243f3dd
commit 3a75fea830

View file

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ export default {
byZone: "area", byZone: "area",
byHashtag: "hashtag", byHashtag: "hashtag",
byUser: "utente", byUser: "utente",
byRetweet: "retweet", // TODO: tradurre byRetweet: "retweet",
isNotRetweetExplaination: "Nascondi i retweet.", // TODO: Tradurre isNotRetweetExplaination: "Nascondi i retweet.",
byHasImage: "immagine", byHasImage: "immagine",
hasImageExplaination: "Mostra solo i tweet con immagine.", hasImageExplaination: "Mostra solo i tweet con immagine.",
byTimePeriod: "arco di tempo", byTimePeriod: "arco di tempo",
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ export default {
sharingWith: "In condivisione con", sharingWith: "In condivisione con",
alerts: "Allarmi", alerts: "Allarmi",
alertTitle: "I tuoi allarmi", alertTitle: "I tuoi allarmi associati a questa repository",
alertCreate: "Crea un allarme", alertCreate: "Crea un allarme",
alertName: "Nome allarme", // TODO: tradurre alertName: "Nome allarme",
createAlert: "Crea allarme", // TODO: tradurre createAlert: "Crea allarme",
alertLimit: "Limite", // TODO: tradurre e migliorare? alertLimit: "Limite", //TODO: Migliorare?
alertWindow: "Finestra (in ore)", // TODO: tradurre alertWindow: "Finestra (in ore)",
notImplemented: "🚧 Non implementato.", notImplemented: "🚧 Non implementato.",
@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ export default {
byZone: "zone", byZone: "zone",
byHashtag: "hashtag", byHashtag: "hashtag",
byUser: "user", byUser: "user",
byRetweet: "retweet",
isNotRetweetExplaination: "Hide retweets.",
byHasImage: "image", byHasImage: "image",
hasImageExplaination: "Only show tweets with an image.", hasImageExplaination: "Only show tweets with an image.",
byTimePeriod: "time period", byTimePeriod: "time period",
@ -205,8 +207,13 @@ export default {
sharingWith: "Sharing with", sharingWith: "Sharing with",
alerts: "Alerts", alerts: "Alerts",
alertTitle: "Your alerts", alertTitle: "Your alerts associated with this repository",
alertCreate: "Create a new alert", alertCreate: "Create a new alert",
alertName: "Alert name",
createAlert: "Create alert",
alertLimit: "Threshold",
alertWindow: "Window size (in hours)",
notImplemented: "🚧 Not implemented.", notImplemented: "🚧 Not implemented.",
settings: "Settings", settings: "Settings",
@ -277,7 +284,8 @@ export default {
errorViewNotAllowed: "Error: You are not allowed to make the request.", //Non so come scriverlo meglio errorViewNotAllowed: "Error: You are not allowed to make the request.", //Non so come scriverlo meglio
errorServerNotConfigured: "Error: Server not configured.", errorServerNotConfigured: "Error: Server not configured.",
errorDecodeError: "Error: Could not deserialize data recieved from backend.", errorDecodeError: "Error: Could not deserialize data recieved from backend.",
errorSerializationError: "Error: Could not serialize the data to be sent to backend." errorSerializationError: "Error: Could not serialize the data to be sent to backend.",
errorPageNotFound: "Error: Page not found.",
}, },
// 🇫🇮 // 🇫🇮
fi: { fi: {
@ -298,6 +306,8 @@ export default {
byZone: "vyöhykkeen mukaan", byZone: "vyöhykkeen mukaan",
byHashtag: "hashtagin mukaan", byHashtag: "hashtagin mukaan",
byUser: "käyttäjän mukaan", byUser: "käyttäjän mukaan",
byRetweet: "uudelleentwiittaus", //Il finlandese è strano, parte 2
isNotRetweetExplaination: "Piilota uudelleentwiittaukset.",
byHasImage: "kuva", byHasImage: "kuva",
hasImageExplaination: "Näytä vain twiitit, joissa on kuva.", hasImageExplaination: "Näytä vain twiitit, joissa on kuva.",
byTimePeriod: "aikajakson mukaan", byTimePeriod: "aikajakson mukaan",
@ -335,8 +345,13 @@ export default {
sharingWith: "Jakaminen seuraavien kanssa", sharingWith: "Jakaminen seuraavien kanssa",
alerts: "Hälytykset", alerts: "Hälytykset",
alertTitle: "Hälytyksesi", alertTitle: "Tähän arkistoon liittyvät hälytyksesi",
alertCreate: "Luo uusi hälytys", alertCreate: "Luo uusi hälytys",
alertName: "Hälytyksen nimi",
createAlert: "Luo hälytys",
alertLimit: "Kynnysarvo",
alertWindow: "Ikkunan koko (tunteina)",
notImplemented: "🚧 Ei toteutettu.", notImplemented: "🚧 Ei toteutettu.",
settings: "Asetukset", settings: "Asetukset",
@ -407,6 +422,7 @@ export default {
errorViewNotAllowed: "Virhe: Et saa esittää pyyntöä.", errorViewNotAllowed: "Virhe: Et saa esittää pyyntöä.",
errorServerNotConfigured: "Virhe: Palvelinta ei ole määritetty.", errorServerNotConfigured: "Virhe: Palvelinta ei ole määritetty.",
errorDecodeError: "Virhe: Backendistä saatuja tietoja ei voitu deserialisoida.", errorDecodeError: "Virhe: Backendistä saatuja tietoja ei voitu deserialisoida.",
errorSerializationError: "Virhe: Backendiin lähetettävää dataa ei voitu serialisoida." errorSerializationError: "Virhe: Backendiin lähetettävää dataa ei voitu serialisoida.",
errorPageNotFound: "Virhe: sivua ei löydy.",
}, },
} }