nest_frontend - Interfaccia utente in React


JSDoc non sembra essere in grado di gestire correttamente il lato frontend del progetto.

Per maggiori dettagli sul funzionamento dei vari componenti, si suggerisce di guardare le docstring presenti nel codice sorgente.

Seguono sotto le uniche classi che JSDoc è stato in grado di gestire (anche se vengono mostrate solo parzialmente).

.objects - Oggetti vari di utility

class Condition()

Condition class for an undefined/unknown condition.

See [the Condition spec](

class ConditionHashtag()

Require a tweet to contain a specific hashtag to be gathered.

class ConditionUser()

Require a tweet to be posted by a certain user to be gathered.

class ConditionTime()

Require a tweet to be posted before or after a certain time to be gathered.

class ConditionLocation()

Require a tweet to have coordinates associated and to be posted within the {@link MapArea}.

class NotImplementedError()

Error thrown when a function is not implemented in the current class/instance.

class BackendCommunicationError()

An error in the N.E.S.T. frontend-backend communication.

class ViewNotAllowedError()

Error thrown when trying to access a backend view which doesn't exist or isn't allowed in the used hook.

class ServerNotConfiguredError()

Error thrown when trying to access a backend view when outside a {@link ContextServer}.

class FetchAlreadyRunningError()

Error thrown when trying to access a backend view while another access is ongoing.

This is not allowed due to potential race conditions.

class FetchError()

Abstract class for {@link DecodeError} and {@link ResultError}.

class DecodeError()

Error thrown when the frontend can't parse the data received from the backend.

class ResultError()

Error thrown when the backend returns a falsy "result" value.

class SerializationError()

Error thrown when a string couldn't be serialized into an object.

class Filter(negate=false)

A filter applicable in the Analysis mode.

  • negate -- If the filter output should be reversed.

class FilterContains()

Checks if a tweet contains a string.

class FilterHashtag()

Check if a tweet contains an hashtag.

class FilterPoster()

Check if a tweet was posted by a certain user.

class FilterWithLocation()

Check if a tweet contains location metadata.

class FilterWithPlace()

Check if a tweet contains place metadata.

class FilterInsideMapArea()

Check if a tweet's location is inside a {@link MapArea}.

class FilterInsideTimeRay()

Check if a tweet's post_time is inside a {@link TimeRay}.

class FilterWithImage()

Check if a tweet has an associated image_url.

class FilterIsRetweet()

Check if a tweet is a retweet.