import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react" import useBackendRequest from "./useBackendRequest" /** * An hook which allows access to a full REST viewset (list, create, retrieve, edit, delete). * * @param resourcesPath - The path of the resource directory. * @param pkName - The name of the primary key attribute of the elements. * @param allowViews - An object with maps views to a boolean detailing if they're allowed in the viewset or not. */ export default function useBackendViewset(resourcesPath, pkName, { list: allowList = true, create: allowCreate = true, retrieve: allowRetrieve = true, edit: allowEdit = true, destroy: allowDestroy = true, command: allowCommand = false, action: allowAction = false, } = {}, ) { const { abort, running, apiRequest } = useBackendRequest() const [firstLoad, setFirstLoad] = useState(false) const [resources, setResources] = useState([]) const [error, setError] = useState(null) const apiList = useCallback( async (init) => { if(!allowList) { throw new ViewNotAllowedError("list") } return await apiRequest("GET", `${resourcesPath}`, undefined, init) }, [apiRequest, allowList, resourcesPath], ) const apiRetrieve = useCallback( async (id, init) => { if(!allowRetrieve) { throw new ViewNotAllowedError("retrieve") } return await apiRequest("GET", `${resourcesPath}${id}`, undefined, init) }, [apiRequest, allowRetrieve, resourcesPath], ) const apiCreate = useCallback( async (data, init) => { if(!allowCreate) { throw new ViewNotAllowedError("create") } return await apiRequest("POST", `${resourcesPath}`, data, init) }, [apiRequest, allowCreate, resourcesPath], ) const apiEdit = useCallback( async (id, data, init) => { if(!allowEdit) { throw new ViewNotAllowedError("edit") } return await apiRequest("PUT", `${resourcesPath}${id}`, data, init) }, [apiRequest, allowEdit, resourcesPath], ) const apiDestroy = useCallback( async (id, init) => { if(!allowDestroy) { throw new ViewNotAllowedError("destroy") } return await apiRequest("DELETE", `${resourcesPath}${id}`, undefined, init) }, [apiRequest, allowDestroy, resourcesPath], ) const apiCommand = useCallback( async (method, command, data, init) => { if(!allowCommand) { throw new ViewNotAllowedError("command") } return await apiRequest(method, `${resourcesPath}${command}`, data, init) }, [apiRequest, allowCommand, resourcesPath], ) const apiAction = useCallback( async (method, id, command, data, init) => { if(!allowAction) { throw new ViewNotAllowedError("action") } return await apiRequest(method, `${resourcesPath}${id}/${command}`, data, init) }, [apiRequest, allowAction, resourcesPath], ) const listResources = useCallback( async () => { try { setResources(await apiList()) } catch(e) { setError(e) throw e } setError(null) return {} }, [apiList], ) const retrieveResource = useCallback( async (pk) => { const refreshedResource = await apiRetrieve(pk) setResources(resources => => { if(resource[pkName] === pk) { return refreshedResource } return resource })) return refreshedResource }, [apiRetrieve, pkName], ) const createResource = useCallback( async (data) => { const newResource = await apiCreate(data) setResources(resources => [...resources, newResource]) return newResource }, [apiCreate], ) const editResource = useCallback( async (pk, data) => { const editedResource = await apiEdit(pk, data) setResources(resources => => { if(resource[pkName] === pk) { return editedResource } return resource })) return editedResource }, [apiEdit, pkName], ) const destroyResource = useCallback( async (pk) => { await apiDestroy(pk) setResources(resources => resources.filter(resource => resource[pkName] !== pk)) return null }, [apiDestroy, pkName], ) useEffect( async () => { if(allowList && !firstLoad && !running) { await listResources() setFirstLoad(true) } }, [listResources, firstLoad, running, allowList], ) return { abort, resources, firstLoad, running, error, apiRequest, allowList, apiList, listResources, allowRetrieve, apiRetrieve, retrieveResource, allowCreate, apiCreate, createResource, allowEdit, apiEdit, editResource, allowDestroy, apiDestroy, destroyResource, apiCommand, apiAction, } }