nest_backend.routes.users package


nest_backend.routes.users.login module


The API call that allows to log-in. It requires: :parameter email: The user’s email :parameter password: The users’s password :returns: Json-formatted data. If the login is successful, it will contain the access_token and the users data.

The access_token must be included in the Authorization header, using the format Bearer <token>.

nest_backend.routes.users.user_create module


The API call that allows to create new users. It requires: :parameter email: The user’s email :parameter password: The users’s password :parameter username: The users’s username :return: Json-formatted data. If something goes wrong, it returns a {‘result’:’failure’, ‘content’:’something blew up’}, else it returns {‘result’:’success’, ‘content’:newUser.to_json().

nest_backend.routes.users.user_delete module


API call that allows an user to be deleted from NEST. :parameter email: The email of the user that needs to be removed. :return: JSON-formatted data. If the user has the privilege, the target user exists and differs from the current user, the target gets deleted and a json containing the field “result”:”success” is returned.

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