import React, { useContext } from "react" import Button from "../base/Button" import { faArchive, faFolder, faFolderOpen, faPencilAlt, faTrash } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons" import { useHistory } from "react-router" import useBackend from "../../hooks/useBackend" import ContextUser from "../../contexts/ContextUser" import Summary from "../base/Summary" /** * A long line representing a repository in a list. * * @param repo - The repository object. * @param refresh - Function that can be called to refresh the repositories list. * @param canDelete - If the Delete button should be displayed or not. * @param canEdit - If the Edit button should be displayed or not. * @param canArchive - If the Archive button should be displayed or not. * @param className - Additional class(es) to be added to the outer box. * @param props - Additional props to pass to the outer box. * @returns {JSX.Element} * @constructor */ export default function SummaryRepository( { repo, refresh, canDelete, canEdit, canArchive, className, ...props }, ) { const { fetchDataAuth } = useContext(ContextUser) const history = useHistory() const { fetchNow: archiveThis } = useBackend(fetchDataAuth, "PATCH", `/api/v1/repositories/${}`, { "close": true }) const { fetchNow: deletThis } = useBackend(fetchDataAuth, "DELETE", `/api/v1/repositories/${}`) const onEditClick = () => { history.push(`/repositories/${}/edit`) } const onArchiveClick = async () => { await archiveThis() await refresh() } const onDeleteClick = async () => { await deletThis() await refresh() } const buttons = <> {canDelete ? : null} {canEdit ? : null} {canArchive ? : null} return ( ) }