from marshmallow import Schema, fields class UserSchema(Schema): email = fields.String(description="The user's email.") username = fields.String(description="The user's username.") isAdmin = fields.Boolean(description="True if the user is an administrator.") class LoginSchema(Schema): access_token = fields.String(description="The access token that authorizes the user to proceed.") expiration = fields.DateTime(description="The expiration date of the authorization code.") user = fields.Nested(UserSchema) class InputLoginSchema(Schema): email = fields.String(description="The user's email.") password = fields.String(description="The user's password.") class ErrorSchema(Schema): result = fields.String(description="Contains a string that informs if the procedure was successful.") msg = fields.String(description="Contains a description of the error.") code = fields.String(description="Error code") class AuthorizationSchema(Schema): rid = fields.Integer(description="The repository id.") email = fields.String(description="The user's email.") class AuthorizationParameterSchema(Schema): rid = fields.Integer(description="The repository id.") email = fields.String(description="The user's email.") class CreateAuthorizationSchema(Schema): email = fields.String(description="The user's email") class SuccesSchema(Schema): result = fields.String(description="Contains a string that informs if the procedure was successful.") data = fields.String(description="The content of the response.") class EmailParameterSchema(Schema): email = fields.String(description="The target user's email.") class IntegerParameterSchema(Schema): rid = fields.Integer(description="The target numeric id.") class AlertParameterSchema(Schema): rid = fields.Integer(description="The target numeric id.") class CreateUser(Schema): email = fields.String(description="The new user's email.") username = fields.String(description="The new user's username.") password = fields.String(description="The new user's password.") class ConditionSchema(Schema): id = fields.Integer(description="The condition id.") type = fields.Integer(description="The condition type.") content = fields.String(description="The condition content. Meaning may change according to type.") class RepositorySchema(Schema): id = fields.Integer(description="The repository id.") name = fields.String(description="The repository name.") start = fields.DateTime(description="The start date of the repository.") is_active = fields.Boolean(description="True if the repository is active.") end = fields.DateTime(description="The end date of the repository") owner = fields.Nested(UserSchema) spectators = fields.Nested(AuthorizationSchema, many=True) conditions = fields.Nested(ConditionSchema, many=True) evaluation_mode = fields.Integer(description="The mode with which conditions are evaluated.") class TweetSchema(Schema): snowflake = fields.String(description="The tweet identifier.") content = fields.String(description="The content of the tweet.") location = fields.String(description="The location (coordinates) from which the tweet was tweeted.") place = fields.String(description="The place from which the tweet was tweeted.") poster = fields.String(description="The one that created the tweet.") insert_time = fields.DateTime(description="The time on which the tweet was captured.") post_time = fields.DateTime(description="The time on which the tweet was posted.") image_url = fields.String(descritpion="The embedded image urls, separated by |. If there are no images, its None.") conditions = fields.Nested(ConditionSchema, many=True) class CreateRepository(Schema): name = fields.String(description="The repository name.") class RepositoryUpdate(Schema): name = fields.String(description="If present, it changes the name of the repository.") close = fields.String(description="If present, it closes the repository.") open = fields.String(description="If present, it opens the repository.") evaluation_mode = fields.Integer(description="If present, it alters the Condition evaluation mode.") class CreateCondition(Schema): type = fields.Integer(description="The condition type.") content = fields.String(description="The condition content. Meaning may change according to type.") class CreateAlert(Schema): name = fields.String(description="The name of the alert.") limit = fields.Integer(description="The number of tweets in a time window.") window_size = fields.Integer(description="The size of the time window.") repository_id = fields.Integer(description="The id of the related repository.") evaluation_mode = fields.Integer(description="How the conditions have to be evaluated.") conditions = fields.Nested(ConditionSchema, many=True) class Operations(Schema): id = fields.Integer(description="The operation id.") operation = fields.Integer(description="The type of the operation.") is_root = fields.Boolean(description="If true, the operation is the root of the operation tree.") node_1 = fields.Nested('self') node_2 = fields.Nested('self') condition = fields.Nested(ConditionSchema) alert_id = fields.Integer(description="The id of the related alert.") class Notification(Schema): id = fields.Integer(description="The notification id.") ora = fields.DateTime(description="Muda muda muda.") repository_id = fields.Integer(description="The id of the related repository.") class Alert(Schema): id = fields.Integer(description="The alert id.") name = fields.String(description="The name of the alert.") limit = fields.Integer(description="The number of tweets in a time window.") window_size = fields.Integer(description="The size of the time window.") repository_id = fields.Integer(description="The id of the related repository.") evaluation_mode = fields.Integer(description="How the conditions have to be evaluated.") conditions = fields.Nested(ConditionSchema, many=True) notifications = fields.Nested(Notification, many=True) class ConditionParameterSchema(Schema): cid = fields.Integer(description="The condition id.")