diff --git a/expansion.rs b/expansion.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index bba9caa..0000000
--- a/expansion.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13786 +0,0 @@
-//! Database schema, migrations, and high level database-reliant structures for the [`acrate`] project.
-use std::prelude::rust_2021::*;
-extern crate std;
-/// Database schema information automatically generated by [`diesel`].
-/// Configured by `diesel.toml`.
-mod schema {
- #[allow(unused_imports, dead_code, unreachable_pub, unused_qualifications)]
- pub mod meta_aliases {
- use ::diesel;
- pub use self::columns::*;
- use diesel::sql_types::*;
- /// Re-exports all of the columns of this table, as well as the
- /// table struct renamed to the module name. This is meant to be
- /// glob imported for functions which only deal with one table.
- pub mod dsl {
- pub use super::columns::id;
- pub use super::columns::document;
- pub use super::columns::pattern;
- pub use super::columns::alias;
- pub use super::table as meta_aliases;
- }
- #[allow(non_upper_case_globals, dead_code)]
- /// A tuple of all of the columns on this table
- pub const all_columns: (id, document, pattern, alias) = (
- id,
- document,
- pattern,
- alias,
- );
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- /// The actual table struct
- ///
- /// This is the type which provides the base methods of the query
- /// builder, such as `.select` and `.filter`.
- pub struct table;
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::fmt::Debug for table {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
- ::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "table")
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::clone::Clone for table {
- #[inline]
- fn clone(&self) -> table {
- *self
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::marker::Copy for table {}
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- const _: () = {
- use diesel;
- use diesel::query_builder::QueryId;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl QueryId for table {
- type QueryId = table;
- const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = true;
- }
- };
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::default::Default for table {
- #[inline]
- fn default() -> table {
- table {}
- }
- }
- impl table {
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- /// Represents `table_name.*`, which is sometimes necessary
- /// for efficient count queries. It cannot be used in place of
- /// `all_columns`
- pub fn star(&self) -> star {
- star
- }
- }
- /// The SQL type of all of the columns on this table
- pub type SqlType = (Uuid, Bpchar, Bpchar, Bpchar);
- /// Helper type for representing a boxed query from this table
- pub type BoxedQuery<'a, DB, ST = SqlType> = diesel::internal::table_macro::BoxedSelectStatement<
- 'a,
- ST,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause
- DB,
- >;
- impl diesel::QuerySource for table {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- >;
- type DefaultSelection = ::AllColumns;
- fn from_clause(&self) -> Self::FromClause {
- diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance::new()
- }
- fn default_selection(&self) -> Self::DefaultSelection {
- use diesel::Table;
- Self::all_columns()
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment for table
- where
- DB: diesel::backend::Backend,
- ::Component: diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment<
- DB,
- >,
- {
- fn walk_ast<'b>(
- &'b self,
- __diesel_internal_pass: diesel::query_builder::AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>,
- ) -> diesel::result::QueryResult<()> {
- .walk_ast(__diesel_internal_pass)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragment for table {
- type Component = diesel::internal::table_macro::Identifier<'static>;
- const STATIC_COMPONENT: &'static Self::Component = &diesel::internal::table_macro::Identifier(
- "meta_aliases",
- );
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::AsQuery for table {
- type SqlType = SqlType;
- type Query = diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >;
- fn as_query(self) -> Self::Query {
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement::simple(self)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::Table for table {
- type PrimaryKey = id;
- type AllColumns = (id, document, pattern, alias);
- fn primary_key(&self) -> Self::PrimaryKey {
- id
- }
- fn all_columns() -> Self::AllColumns {
- (id, document, pattern, alias)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::associations::HasTable for table {
- type Table = Self;
- fn table() -> Self::Table {
- table
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::IntoUpdateTarget for table {
- type WhereClause = <::Query as diesel::query_builder::IntoUpdateTarget>::WhereClause;
- fn into_update_target(
- self,
- ) -> diesel::query_builder::UpdateTarget {
- use diesel::query_builder::AsQuery;
- let q: diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- > = self.as_query();
- q.into_update_target()
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause for table {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::internal::table_macro::AliasAppearsInFromClause
- for table
- where
- S: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Never;
- }
- impl<
- S1,
- S2,
- > diesel::internal::table_macro::AliasAliasAppearsInFromClause
- for table
- where
- S1: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- S2: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- S1: diesel::internal::table_macro::AliasAliasAppearsInFromClauseSameTable<
- S2,
- table,
- >,
- {
- type Count = >::Count;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause>
- for table
- where
- S: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Never;
- }
- impl<
- S,
- C,
- > diesel::internal::table_macro::FieldAliasMapperAssociatedTypesDisjointnessTrick<
- table,
- S,
- C,
- > for table
- where
- S: diesel::query_source::AliasSource + ::std::clone::Clone,
- C: diesel::query_source::Column,
- {
- type Out = diesel::query_source::AliasedField;
- fn map(
- __diesel_internal_column: C,
- __diesel_internal_alias: &diesel::query_source::Alias,
- ) -> Self::Out {
- __diesel_internal_alias.field(__diesel_internal_column)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- for diesel::internal::table_macro::NoFromClause {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Never;
- }
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- Kind,
- > diesel::JoinTo>
- for table
- where
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- Kind,
- >: diesel::JoinTo,
- Left: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Right: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::Join;
- type OnClause = as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- Kind,
- >,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::internal::table_macro::Join::join_target(
- table,
- );
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::JoinTo>
- for table
- where
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn: diesel::JoinTo,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn;
- type OnClause = as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn::join_target(
- table,
- );
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl<
- F,
- S,
- D,
- W,
- O,
- L,
- Of,
- G,
- > diesel::JoinTo<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- S,
- D,
- W,
- O,
- L,
- Of,
- G,
- >,
- > for table
- where
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- S,
- D,
- W,
- O,
- L,
- Of,
- G,
- >: diesel::JoinTo,
- F: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- S,
- D,
- W,
- O,
- L,
- Of,
- G,
- >;
- type OnClause = ,
- S,
- D,
- W,
- O,
- L,
- Of,
- G,
- > as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- S,
- D,
- W,
- O,
- L,
- Of,
- G,
- >,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement::join_target(
- table,
- );
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl<
- 'a,
- QS,
- ST,
- DB,
- > diesel::JoinTo<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::BoxedSelectStatement<
- 'a,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- ST,
- DB,
- >,
- > for table
- where
- diesel::internal::table_macro::BoxedSelectStatement<
- 'a,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- ST,
- DB,
- >: diesel::JoinTo,
- QS: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::BoxedSelectStatement<
- 'a,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- ST,
- DB,
- >;
- type OnClause = ,
- ST,
- DB,
- > as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::internal::table_macro::BoxedSelectStatement<
- 'a,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- ST,
- DB,
- >,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::internal::table_macro::BoxedSelectStatement::join_target(
- table,
- );
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::JoinTo> for table
- where
- diesel::query_source::Alias: diesel::JoinTo,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::query_source::Alias;
- type OnClause = as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::query_source::Alias,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::query_source::Alias::<
- S,
- >::join_target(table);
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::insertable::Insertable for table
- where
- ::Query: diesel::insertable::Insertable<
- T,
- >,
- {
- type Values = <::Query as diesel::insertable::Insertable<
- T,
- >>::Values;
- fn values(self) -> Self::Values {
- use diesel::query_builder::AsQuery;
- self.as_query().values()
- }
- }
- impl<'a, T> diesel::insertable::Insertable for &'a table
- where
- table: diesel::insertable::Insertable,
- {
- type Values = >::Values;
- fn values(self) -> Self::Values {
- (*self).values()
- }
- }
- impl diesel::JoinTo> for table
- where
- diesel::query_builder::Only: diesel::JoinTo,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::query_builder::Only;
- type OnClause = as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::query_builder::Only,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::query_builder::Only::<
- S,
- >::join_target(table);
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Only,
- > for table {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- for diesel::query_builder::Only {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::JoinTo> for table
- where
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample: diesel::JoinTo,
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::query_builder::Tablesample;
- type OnClause = as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::query_builder::Tablesample::<
- S,
- TSM,
- >::join_target(table);
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for table
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- for diesel::query_builder::Tablesample
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- /// Contains all of the columns of this table
- pub mod columns {
- use ::diesel;
- use super::table;
- use diesel::sql_types::*;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- /// Represents `table_name.*`, which is sometimes needed for
- /// efficient count queries. It cannot be used in place of
- /// `all_columns`, and has a `SqlType` of `()` to prevent it
- /// being used that way
- pub struct star;
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::fmt::Debug for star {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
- ::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "star")
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::clone::Clone for star {
- #[inline]
- fn clone(&self) -> star {
- *self
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::marker::Copy for star {}
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- const _: () = {
- use diesel;
- use diesel::query_builder::QueryId;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl QueryId for star {
- type QueryId = star;
- const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = true;
- }
- };
- impl<__GB> diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<__GB> for star
- where
- (id, document, pattern, alias): diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<__GB>,
- {
- type IsAggregate = <(
- id,
- document,
- pattern,
- alias,
- ) as diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<__GB>>::IsAggregate;
- }
- impl diesel::Expression for star {
- type SqlType = diesel::expression::expression_types::NotSelectable;
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment
- for star
- where
- ::FromClause: diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment<
- DB,
- >,
- {
- #[allow(non_snake_case)]
- fn walk_ast<'b>(
- &'b self,
- mut __diesel_internal_out: diesel::query_builder::AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>,
- ) -> diesel::result::QueryResult<()> {
- use diesel::QuerySource;
- if !__diesel_internal_out.should_skip_from() {
- const FROM_CLAUSE: diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- > = diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance::new();
- FROM_CLAUSE.walk_ast(__diesel_internal_out.reborrow())?;
- __diesel_internal_out.push_sql(".");
- }
- __diesel_internal_out.push_sql("*");
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression for star {}
- impl diesel::AppearsOnTable for star {}
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- pub struct id;
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::fmt::Debug for id {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
- ::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "id")
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::clone::Clone for id {
- #[inline]
- fn clone(&self) -> id {
- *self
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::marker::Copy for id {}
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- const _: () = {
- use diesel;
- use diesel::query_builder::QueryId;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl QueryId for id {
- type QueryId = id;
- const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = true;
- }
- };
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::default::Default for id {
- #[inline]
- fn default() -> id {
- id {}
- }
- }
- impl diesel::expression::Expression for id {
- type SqlType = Uuid;
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment for id
- where
- DB: diesel::backend::Backend,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- >: diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment,
- {
- #[allow(non_snake_case)]
- fn walk_ast<'b>(
- &'b self,
- mut __diesel_internal_out: diesel::query_builder::AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>,
- ) -> diesel::result::QueryResult<()> {
- if !__diesel_internal_out.should_skip_from() {
- const FROM_CLAUSE: diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- > = diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance::new();
- FROM_CLAUSE.walk_ast(__diesel_internal_out.reborrow())?;
- __diesel_internal_out.push_sql(".");
- }
- __diesel_internal_out.push_identifier("id")
- }
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression for id {}
- impl diesel::AppearsOnTable for id
- where
- QS: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Once,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- > for id
- where
- id: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- >,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Never,
- > + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Left: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- > for id
- where
- id: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- >,
- Left: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- (
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ): diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression<
- <(
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ) as diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick>::Selection,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Join,
- On,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- > for id
- where
- id: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- From,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- > for id
- where
- From: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- id: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- >,
- {}
- impl<__GB> diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<__GB> for id
- where
- __GB: diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<
- id,
- Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes,
- >,
- {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<()> for id {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for id {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::Column for id {
- type Table = super::table;
- const NAME: &'static str = "id";
- }
- impl diesel::EqAll for id
- where
- T: diesel::expression::AsExpression,
- diesel::dsl::Eq<
- id,
- T::Expression,
- >: diesel::Expression,
- {
- type Output = diesel::dsl::Eq;
- fn eq_all(self, __diesel_internal_rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
- use diesel::expression_methods::ExpressionMethods;
- self.eq(__diesel_internal_rhs)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Only,
- > for id {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression>
- for id {}
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for id
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for id
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {}
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- pub struct document;
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::fmt::Debug for document {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
- ::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "document")
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::clone::Clone for document {
- #[inline]
- fn clone(&self) -> document {
- *self
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::marker::Copy for document {}
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- const _: () = {
- use diesel;
- use diesel::query_builder::QueryId;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl QueryId for document {
- type QueryId = document;
- const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = true;
- }
- };
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::default::Default for document {
- #[inline]
- fn default() -> document {
- document {}
- }
- }
- impl diesel::expression::Expression for document {
- type SqlType = Bpchar;
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment for document
- where
- DB: diesel::backend::Backend,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- >: diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment,
- {
- #[allow(non_snake_case)]
- fn walk_ast<'b>(
- &'b self,
- mut __diesel_internal_out: diesel::query_builder::AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>,
- ) -> diesel::result::QueryResult<()> {
- if !__diesel_internal_out.should_skip_from() {
- const FROM_CLAUSE: diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- > = diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance::new();
- FROM_CLAUSE.walk_ast(__diesel_internal_out.reborrow())?;
- __diesel_internal_out.push_sql(".");
- }
- __diesel_internal_out.push_identifier("document")
- }
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression for document {}
- impl diesel::AppearsOnTable for document
- where
- QS: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Once,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- > for document
- where
- document: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- >,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Never,
- > + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Left: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- > for document
- where
- document: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- >,
- Left: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- (
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ): diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression<
- <(
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ) as diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick>::Selection,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Join,
- On,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- > for document
- where
- document: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- From,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- > for document
- where
- From: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- document: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- >,
- {}
- impl<__GB> diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<__GB> for document
- where
- __GB: diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<
- document,
- Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes,
- >,
- {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<()> for document {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for document {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::Column for document {
- type Table = super::table;
- const NAME: &'static str = "document";
- }
- impl diesel::EqAll for document
- where
- T: diesel::expression::AsExpression,
- diesel::dsl::Eq<
- document,
- T::Expression,
- >: diesel::Expression,
- {
- type Output = diesel::dsl::Eq;
- fn eq_all(self, __diesel_internal_rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
- use diesel::expression_methods::ExpressionMethods;
- self.eq(__diesel_internal_rhs)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Only,
- > for document {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression>
- for document {}
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for document
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for document
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {}
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- pub struct pattern;
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::fmt::Debug for pattern {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
- ::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "pattern")
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::clone::Clone for pattern {
- #[inline]
- fn clone(&self) -> pattern {
- *self
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::marker::Copy for pattern {}
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- const _: () = {
- use diesel;
- use diesel::query_builder::QueryId;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl QueryId for pattern {
- type QueryId = pattern;
- const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = true;
- }
- };
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::default::Default for pattern {
- #[inline]
- fn default() -> pattern {
- pattern {}
- }
- }
- impl diesel::expression::Expression for pattern {
- type SqlType = Bpchar;
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment for pattern
- where
- DB: diesel::backend::Backend,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- >: diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment,
- {
- #[allow(non_snake_case)]
- fn walk_ast<'b>(
- &'b self,
- mut __diesel_internal_out: diesel::query_builder::AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>,
- ) -> diesel::result::QueryResult<()> {
- if !__diesel_internal_out.should_skip_from() {
- const FROM_CLAUSE: diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- > = diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance::new();
- FROM_CLAUSE.walk_ast(__diesel_internal_out.reborrow())?;
- __diesel_internal_out.push_sql(".");
- }
- __diesel_internal_out.push_identifier("pattern")
- }
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression for pattern {}
- impl diesel::AppearsOnTable for pattern
- where
- QS: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Once,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- > for pattern
- where
- pattern: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- >,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Never,
- > + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Left: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- > for pattern
- where
- pattern: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- >,
- Left: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- (
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ): diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression<
- <(
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ) as diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick>::Selection,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Join,
- On,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- > for pattern
- where
- pattern: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- From,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- > for pattern
- where
- From: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- pattern: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- >,
- {}
- impl<__GB> diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<__GB> for pattern
- where
- __GB: diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<
- pattern,
- Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes,
- >,
- {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<()> for pattern {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for pattern {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::Column for pattern {
- type Table = super::table;
- const NAME: &'static str = "pattern";
- }
- impl diesel::EqAll for pattern
- where
- T: diesel::expression::AsExpression,
- diesel::dsl::Eq<
- pattern,
- T::Expression,
- >: diesel::Expression,
- {
- type Output = diesel::dsl::Eq;
- fn eq_all(self, __diesel_internal_rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
- use diesel::expression_methods::ExpressionMethods;
- self.eq(__diesel_internal_rhs)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Only,
- > for pattern {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression>
- for pattern {}
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for pattern
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for pattern
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {}
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- pub struct alias;
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alias {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
- ::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "alias")
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::clone::Clone for alias {
- #[inline]
- fn clone(&self) -> alias {
- *self
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::marker::Copy for alias {}
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- const _: () = {
- use diesel;
- use diesel::query_builder::QueryId;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl QueryId for alias {
- type QueryId = alias;
- const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = true;
- }
- };
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
- impl ::core::default::Default for alias {
- #[inline]
- fn default() -> alias {
- alias {}
- }
- }
- impl diesel::expression::Expression for alias {
- type SqlType = Bpchar;
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment for alias
- where
- DB: diesel::backend::Backend,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- >: diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment,
- {
- #[allow(non_snake_case)]
- fn walk_ast<'b>(
- &'b self,
- mut __diesel_internal_out: diesel::query_builder::AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>,
- ) -> diesel::result::QueryResult<()> {
- if !__diesel_internal_out.should_skip_from() {
- const FROM_CLAUSE: diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- > = diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance::new();
- FROM_CLAUSE.walk_ast(__diesel_internal_out.reborrow())?;
- __diesel_internal_out.push_sql(".");
- }
- __diesel_internal_out.push_identifier("alias")
- }
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression for alias {}
- impl diesel::AppearsOnTable for alias
- where
- QS: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Once,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- > for alias
- where
- alias: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::LeftOuter,
- >,
- >,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- super::table,
- Count = diesel::query_source::Never,
- > + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Left: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {}
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- > for alias
- where
- alias: diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Inner,
- >,
- >,
- Left: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Right: diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- + diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- (
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ): diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick,
- Self: diesel::SelectableExpression<
- <(
- Left::Count,
- Right::Count,
- ) as diesel::internal::table_macro::Pick>::Selection,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- Join,
- On,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- > for alias
- where
- alias: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn,
- >,
- {}
- impl<
- From,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- > for alias
- where
- From: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- alias: diesel::SelectableExpression
- + diesel::AppearsOnTable<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >,
- >,
- {}
- impl<__GB> diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<__GB> for alias
- where
- __GB: diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<
- alias,
- Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes,
- >,
- {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::ValidGrouping<()> for alias {
- type IsAggregate = diesel::expression::is_aggregate::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for alias {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::Column for alias {
- type Table = super::table;
- const NAME: &'static str = "alias";
- }
- impl diesel::EqAll for alias
- where
- T: diesel::expression::AsExpression,
- diesel::dsl::Eq<
- alias,
- T::Expression,
- >: diesel::Expression,
- {
- type Output = diesel::dsl::Eq;
- fn eq_all(self, __diesel_internal_rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
- use diesel::expression_methods::ExpressionMethods;
- self.eq(__diesel_internal_rhs)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Only,
- > for alias {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::SelectableExpression>
- for alias {}
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for alias
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl<
- TSM,
- > diesel::SelectableExpression<
- diesel::query_builder::Tablesample,
- > for alias
- where
- TSM: diesel::internal::table_macro::TablesampleMethod,
- {}
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for document {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for id {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for pattern {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for id {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for alias {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for id {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::Yes;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for pattern {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for document {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for alias {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for document {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for alias {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- impl diesel::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy for pattern {
- type Output = diesel::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
- }
- }
- }
- #[allow(unused_imports, dead_code, unreachable_pub, unused_qualifications)]
- pub mod meta_link_properties {
- use ::diesel;
- pub use self::columns::*;
- use diesel::sql_types::*;
- /// Re-exports all of the columns of this table, as well as the
- /// table struct renamed to the module name. This is meant to be
- /// glob imported for functions which only deal with one table.
- pub mod dsl {
- pub use super::columns::id;
- pub use super::columns::meta_link_id;
- pub use super::columns::rel;
- pub use super::columns::value;
- pub use super::table as meta_link_properties;
- }
- #[allow(non_upper_case_globals, dead_code)]
- /// A tuple of all of the columns on this table
- pub const all_columns: (id, meta_link_id, rel, value) = (
- id,
- meta_link_id,
- rel,
- value,
- );
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- /// The actual table struct
- ///
- /// This is the type which provides the base methods of the query
- /// builder, such as `.select` and `.filter`.
- pub struct table;
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::fmt::Debug for table {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
- ::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "table")
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::clone::Clone for table {
- #[inline]
- fn clone(&self) -> table {
- *self
- }
- }
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::marker::Copy for table {}
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- const _: () = {
- use diesel;
- use diesel::query_builder::QueryId;
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl QueryId for table {
- type QueryId = table;
- const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = true;
- }
- };
- #[automatically_derived]
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
- impl ::core::default::Default for table {
- #[inline]
- fn default() -> table {
- table {}
- }
- }
- impl table {
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- /// Represents `table_name.*`, which is sometimes necessary
- /// for efficient count queries. It cannot be used in place of
- /// `all_columns`
- pub fn star(&self) -> star {
- star
- }
- }
- /// The SQL type of all of the columns on this table
- pub type SqlType = (Uuid, Uuid, Bpchar, Nullable);
- /// Helper type for representing a boxed query from this table
- pub type BoxedQuery<'a, DB, ST = SqlType> = diesel::internal::table_macro::BoxedSelectStatement<
- 'a,
- ST,
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- DB,
- >;
- impl diesel::QuerySource for table {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance<
- table,
- >;
- type DefaultSelection = ::AllColumns;
- fn from_clause(&self) -> Self::FromClause {
- diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragmentInstance::new()
- }
- fn default_selection(&self) -> Self::DefaultSelection {
- use diesel::Table;
- Self::all_columns()
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment for table
- where
- DB: diesel::backend::Backend,
- ::Component: diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment<
- DB,
- >,
- {
- fn walk_ast<'b>(
- &'b self,
- __diesel_internal_pass: diesel::query_builder::AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>,
- ) -> diesel::result::QueryResult<()> {
- .walk_ast(__diesel_internal_pass)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::internal::table_macro::StaticQueryFragment for table {
- type Component = diesel::internal::table_macro::Identifier<'static>;
- const STATIC_COMPONENT: &'static Self::Component = &diesel::internal::table_macro::Identifier(
- "meta_link_properties",
- );
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::AsQuery for table {
- type SqlType = SqlType;
- type Query = diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- >;
- fn as_query(self) -> Self::Query {
- diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement::simple(self)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::Table for table {
- type PrimaryKey = id;
- type AllColumns = (id, meta_link_id, rel, value);
- fn primary_key(&self) -> Self::PrimaryKey {
- id
- }
- fn all_columns() -> Self::AllColumns {
- (id, meta_link_id, rel, value)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::associations::HasTable for table {
- type Table = Self;
- fn table() -> Self::Table {
- table
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_builder::IntoUpdateTarget for table {
- type WhereClause = <::Query as diesel::query_builder::IntoUpdateTarget>::WhereClause;
- fn into_update_target(
- self,
- ) -> diesel::query_builder::UpdateTarget {
- use diesel::query_builder::AsQuery;
- let q: diesel::internal::table_macro::SelectStatement<
- diesel::internal::table_macro::FromClause,
- > = self.as_query();
- q.into_update_target()
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause for table {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Once;
- }
- impl diesel::internal::table_macro::AliasAppearsInFromClause
- for table
- where
- S: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Never;
- }
- impl<
- S1,
- S2,
- > diesel::internal::table_macro::AliasAliasAppearsInFromClause
- for table
- where
- S1: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- S2: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- S1: diesel::internal::table_macro::AliasAliasAppearsInFromClauseSameTable<
- S2,
- table,
- >,
- {
- type Count = >::Count;
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause>
- for table
- where
- S: diesel::query_source::AliasSource,
- {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Never;
- }
- impl<
- S,
- C,
- > diesel::internal::table_macro::FieldAliasMapperAssociatedTypesDisjointnessTrick<
- table,
- S,
- C,
- > for table
- where
- S: diesel::query_source::AliasSource + ::std::clone::Clone,
- C: diesel::query_source::Column,
- {
- type Out = diesel::query_source::AliasedField;
- fn map(
- __diesel_internal_column: C,
- __diesel_internal_alias: &diesel::query_source::Alias,
- ) -> Self::Out {
- __diesel_internal_alias.field(__diesel_internal_column)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::query_source::AppearsInFromClause
- for diesel::internal::table_macro::NoFromClause {
- type Count = diesel::query_source::Never;
- }
- impl<
- Left,
- Right,
- Kind,
- > diesel::JoinTo>
- for table
- where
- diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- Kind,
- >: diesel::JoinTo,
- Left: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- Right: diesel::query_source::QuerySource,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::Join;
- type OnClause = as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::internal::table_macro::Join<
- Left,
- Right,
- Kind,
- >,
- ) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
- let (_, __diesel_internal_on_clause) = diesel::internal::table_macro::Join::join_target(
- table,
- );
- (__diesel_internal_rhs, __diesel_internal_on_clause)
- }
- }
- impl diesel::JoinTo>
- for table
- where
- diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn: diesel::JoinTo,
- {
- type FromClause = diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn;
- type OnClause = as diesel::JoinTo>::OnClause;
- fn join_target(
- __diesel_internal_rhs: diesel::internal::table_macro::JoinOn