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6 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Merge branch 'main' into feature/apub-inbox
# Conflicts:
#	.idea/acrate.iml
#	Cargo.toml
#	acrate_rdserver/src/config.rs
#	acrate_rdserver/src/main.rs
2024-12-18 16:05:32 +01:00
utils: Create and use crate (#9)
Reviewed-on: #9
2024-12-18 15:03:13 +00:00
rdserver: Use web_server! macro 2024-12-18 15:59:42 +01:00
utils: Create and use web_server! macro 2024-12-18 15:59:32 +01:00
utils: Create crate 2024-12-18 13:25:49 +01:00
IDEA: Add Doc run config 2024-12-16 04:26:18 +01:00
12 changed files with 192 additions and 42 deletions

.idea/acrate.iml generated
View file

@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/acrate_database/tests" isTestSource="true" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/acrate_astreams/src" isTestSource="false" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/acrate_astreams/tests" isTestSource="true" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/acrate_utils/src" isTestSource="false" />
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />

.idea/runConfigurations/Doc.xml generated Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="Doc" type="CargoCommandRunConfiguration" factoryName="Cargo Command">
<option name="buildProfileId" value="dev" />
<option name="command" value="doc" />
<option name="workingDirectory" value="file://$PROJECT_DIR$" />
<envs />
<option name="emulateTerminal" value="true" />
<option name="channel" value="DEFAULT" />
<option name="requiredFeatures" value="true" />
<option name="allFeatures" value="false" />
<option name="withSudo" value="false" />
<option name="buildTarget" value="REMOTE" />
<option name="backtrace" value="SHORT" />
<option name="isRedirectInput" value="false" />
<option name="redirectInputPath" value="" />
<method v="2">
<option name="CARGO.BUILD_TASK_PROVIDER" enabled="true" />

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
resolver = "2"
members = ["acrate_database", "acrate_rd", "acrate_nodeinfo", "acrate_rdserver", "acrate_apub_inbox", "acrate_astreams"]
members = ["acrate_database", "acrate_rd", "acrate_nodeinfo", "acrate_rdserver", "acrate_apub_inbox", "acrate_astreams", "acrate_utils"]

View file

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ categories = ["web-programming"]
acrate_database = { path = "../acrate_database", features = ["connect"] }
acrate_rd = { path = "../acrate_rd" }
acrate_utils = { path = "../acrate_utils" }
anyhow = "1.0.93"
axum = { version = "0.7.7", features = ["macros"] }
axum-extra = { version = "0.9.4", features = ["query"] }
log = { version = "0.4.22", features = ["std", "max_level_trace", "release_max_level_debug"] }
micronfig = "0.3.0"
minijinja = "2.5.0"
pretty_env_logger = "0.5.0"
quick-xml = { version = "0.37.0", features = ["serialize"] }
serde = { version = "1.0.215", features = ["derive"] }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
ACRATE_RDSERVER_BIND_ADDRESS: String > std::net::SocketAddr,

View file

@ -1,42 +1,19 @@
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::Context;
use axum::Extension;
use axum::routing::get;
use acrate_utils::web_server;
mod config;
mod route;
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<std::convert::Infallible> {
log::debug!("Logging initialized!");
log::trace!("Creating Minijinja environment...");
let mut mj = minijinja::Environment::<'static>::new();
log::trace!("Adding webfinger page to the Minijinja environment...");
mj.add_template("rd.html.j2", include_str!("rd.html.j2"))
.expect("rd.html.j2 to be a valid Minijinja template");
log::trace!("Creating Axum router...");
let app = axum::Router::new()
.route("/*path", axum::routing::get(route::webfinger_handler))
.route("/.healthcheck", axum::routing::get(route::healthcheck_handler))
log::trace!("Axum router created successfully!");
log::trace!("Creating Tokio listener...");
let bind_address = config::ACRATE_RDSERVER_BIND_ADDRESS();
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(bind_address)
.context("failed to bind listener to address")?;
log::trace!("Tokio listener bound to: {bind_address}");
log::info!("Starting rdserver web server...");
axum::serve(listener, app)
.context("server exited with error")?;
log::error!("Server exited with no error, panicking.");
panic!("server exited with no error");
async fn main() {
templates: [
routes: {
"/*path" => get(route::webfinger_handler),
"/.healthcheck" => get(route::healthcheck_handler)

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
use std::iter::IntoIterator;
use std::sync::Arc;
use axum::Extension;
use axum::extract::Path;
use axum::http::{HeaderMap, Response, StatusCode};
@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ use acrate_database::diesel::GroupedBy;
use acrate_database::meta::{MetaAlias, MetaLink, MetaLinkProperty, MetaLinkTitle, MetaProperty, MetaSubject};
use acrate_rd::jrd::ResourceDescriptorLinkJRD;
use acrate_rd::xrd::{ResourceDescriptorLinkXRD, ResourceDescriptorPropertyXRD, ResourceDescriptorTitleXRD};
use acrate_utils::ext::{minijinja, ExtMj};
pub async fn healthcheck_handler() -> Result<StatusCode, StatusCode> {
log::debug!("Handling an healthcheck request!");
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ pub async fn webfinger_handler(
Path(path): Path<String>,
Query(WebfingerQuery {resource, rel}): Query<WebfingerQuery>,
headers: HeaderMap,
Extension(mj): Extension<Arc<minijinja::Environment<'static>>>,
Extension(mj): ExtMj,
) -> Result<Response<String>, StatusCode> {
log::debug!("Handling a WebFinger request!");

acrate_utils/Cargo.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
name = "acrate_utils"
version = "0.3.0"
authors = ["Stefano Pigozzi <me@steffo.eu>"]
edition = "2021"
description = "Utilities for the acrate project"
repository = "https://forge.steffo.eu/unimore/tirocinio-canali-steffo-acrate"
license = "EUPL-1.2"
keywords = []
categories = []
axum = { version = "0.7.7", features = ["macros"] }
axum-extra = { version = "0.9.4", features = ["query"] }
log = { version = "0.4.22", features = ["std", "max_level_trace", "release_max_level_debug"] }
pretty_env_logger = "0.5.0"
mediatype = { version = "0.19.18", features = ["serde"] }
minijinja = "2.5.0"
tokio = { version = "1.41.1", features = ["net"] }
tabs-in-doc-comments = "allow"

acrate_utils/src/ext.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
use std::sync::Arc;
use axum::Extension;
pub use minijinja;
pub type ExtMj = Extension<Arc<minijinja::Environment<'static>>>;

acrate_utils/src/init.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use axum::Extension;
/// Initialize logging with [`pretty_env_logger::init`].
pub fn init_logging() {
log::trace!("Initializing logging...");
log::trace!("Initialized logging!");
/// Initialize a [`tokio::net::TcpListener`] bound to the given [`SocketAddr`].
/// # Panics
/// If unable to bind to the given [`SocketAddr`].
pub async fn init_listener(bind: SocketAddr) -> tokio::net::TcpListener {
log::trace!("Creating Tokio listener bound to: {bind:#?}");
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(bind)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to bind to: {bind:#?}"));
log::trace!("Created Tokio listener: {listener:#?}");
/// Initialize a static [`minijinja::Environment`].
pub fn init_minijinja() -> minijinja::Environment<'static> {
log::trace!("Creating Minijinja environment...");
let mj = minijinja::Environment::<'static>::new();
log::trace!("Created Minijinja environment: {mj:#?}");
/// Initialize an [`axum::Router`] with the given [`minijinja::Environment`] available.
pub fn init_router(mj: minijinja::Environment<'static>) -> axum::Router {
log::trace!("Creating Arc for the minijinja Environment...");
let mj = Arc::new(mj);
log::trace!("Created Arc for the minijinja Environment: {mj:#?}");
log::trace!("Creating Axum router...");
let router = axum::Router::new()
log::trace!("Created Axum router: {router:#?}");

acrate_utils/src/lib.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
pub mod ext;
pub mod init;
pub mod run;
/// Add the template file at the given path to the given [`minijinja::Environment`].
macro_rules! add_minijinja_template {
($mj:ident, $path:literal) => {
log::trace!("Adding template to minijinja Environment: {:?} ← {:#?}", $mj, $path);
$mj.add_template($path, include_str!($path))
.expect(concat!("Invalid Minijinja template: ", $path));
log::trace!("Added template to minijinja Environment: {:?} ← {:#?}", $mj, $path);
/// Add the given route to the [`axum::Router`].
macro_rules! add_axum_route {
($router:ident, $path:literal, $route:expr) => {
log::trace!("Adding route to axum Router: {:?} ← {:#?}", $router, $path);
let $router = $router.route($path, $route);
log::trace!("Added route to axum Router: {:?} ← {:#?}", $router, $path);
macro_rules! web_server {
on: $socket_addr:expr,
templates: [
$( $template_path:literal ),+
routes: {
$( $path:literal => $route:expr ),+
) => {
let listener = $crate::init::init_listener($socket_addr).await;
let mut mj = $crate::init::init_minijinja();
$crate::add_minijinja_template!(mj, $template_path);
let router = $crate::init::init_router(mj);
$crate::add_axum_route!(router, $path, $route);
$crate::run::run_server(listener, router).await

acrate_utils/src/run.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/// Run a web server with [`axum::serve`], using the given [`tokio::net::TcpListener`] and [`axum::Router`].
/// # Exits
/// Once the server is terminated, the process will exit with either:
/// - `0`, if [`axum::serve`] returned [`Ok`];
/// - `1`, if [`axum::serve`] returned [`Err`].
pub async fn run_server(listener: tokio::net::TcpListener, application: axum::Router) -> std::convert::Infallible {
log::trace!("Serving application: {listener:#?} → {application:#?}");
let result = axum::serve(listener, application)
match result {
Ok(()) => {
log::error!("Server exited gracefully.");
Err(e) => {
log::error!("Server exited with an error: {e:#?}");