const CARGO_PKG_NAME: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"); const CARGO_PKG_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); const CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY"); fn init_log() { let mut builder = pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder(); builder.filter_level(log::LevelFilter::max()); builder.is_test(true); if builder.try_init().is_ok() { log::debug!("Initialized logging!"); } } fn make_client() -> reqwest::Client { let user_agent = format!("{CARGO_PKG_NAME}/{CARGO_PKG_VERSION} ({CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY})"); reqwest::Client::builder() .user_agent(user_agent) .build() .expect("reqwest client to build") } macro_rules! test { ($id:ident, $url:literal) => { test!($id, $url,); }; ($id:ident, $url:literal, $($tag:meta),*) => { mod $id { use acrate_hostmeta::*; use super::*; #[tokio::test] $(#[$tag])* async fn test_hostmeta() { init_log(); let client = make_client(); let base: reqwest::Url = $url.parse() .expect("a valid URL"); let doc = HostMetaDocument::discover_hostmeta(&client, base) .await .expect("host-meta discovery to succeed"); log::info!("Parsed host-meta document: {doc:#?}"); } #[tokio::test] $(#[$tag])* async fn test_nodeinfo() { init_log(); let client = make_client(); let base: reqwest::Url = $url.parse() .expect("a valid URL"); let doc = HostMetaDocument::discover_nodeinfo(&client, base) .await .expect("nodeinfo discovery to succeed"); log::info!("Parsed nodeinfo document: {doc:#?}"); } } }; } test!(akkoma, ""); test!(mastodon, ""); test!(misskey, ""); test!(iceshrimpnet, ""); test!(gotosocial, ""); test!(bridgyfed, ""); test!(threads, "", ignore = "Not implemented on their end"); test!(snac, "", ignore = "Does not support host-meta"); test!(hollo, "", ignore = "Does not support host-meta");