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SafeLongToInt - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.utils
An utility class to prevent overflows while casting Longs to Integers.
SafeLongToInt() - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.utils.SafeLongToInt
Disallow instantiations of this class.
salt - Variable in class
A byte array to use as salt for the key generation.
SALT_SIZE - Static variable in class
The size in bytes of the salt.
SaltSerializer - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.utils
An utility class to serialize and deserialize byte arrays.
SaltSerializer() - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.utils.SaltSerializer
Disallow instantiations of this class.
secondSeparator - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
A separator between the file part size selector and the parts number selector.
selectionTextField - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.FileSelectRow
A non-editable text field that displays the files selected in the file choice dialog.
separator - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CryptRow
A separator between the checkbox and the encryption key field.
serialize(byte[]) - Static method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.utils.SaltSerializer
Serialize a byte array (converting it into a String).
setCompressConfig(DeflateConfig) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CompressRow
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CompressRow
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CryptRow
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.KeyRow
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.OptionRow
Allow edits in the fields of the OptionRow.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
setFileFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.FileSelectRow
Set a specific FileFilter in the FileSelectRow.fileChooser.
setProgress(Progress) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.Job
Set the progress of the job to a different value.
size - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config.SizeConfig
The size (in bytes) of a single part.
SizeConfig - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config
A ISplitConfig requesting the split of a file in parts of a specific size.
SizeConfig(long) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config.SizeConfig
Construct a new SizeConfig.
sizeLabel - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
A label with "Part size" written on it.
sizeTextField - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
The text field where the user can select the size of the parts to split the file in.
sizeUnitLabel - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
A label with "B" (bytes) written on it.
splitCheckBox - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
The checkbox enabling or disabling the split step.
splitConfig - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
The IConfig for the Split step.
splitRow - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopPanel
The Row to enable/disable the file split functionality.
SplitRow - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option
A OptionRow allowing the configuration of the split step of the file chop process.
SplitRow() - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
Construct a SplitRow.
startButton - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.JobsButtonsPanel
The Start incomplete jobs button.
StitchJob - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job
A Job to one or more chopped (*.chp + *.cXX) files back into the original file.
StitchJob(File) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.StitchJob
Construct a StitchJob, specifying the *.chp file to import the settings from.
StitchJob(File, String) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.StitchJob
Construct a StitchJob, specifying the *.chp file to import the settings from and an encryption key to use while decrypting the files.
StitchJob(File, String, Runnable) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.StitchJob
Construct a StitchJob, and additionally specify the Runnable that should be called on progress updates.
stitchPanel - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopAndStitchPanel
The StitchPanel, displayed on the right.
StitchPanel - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels
The CreateJobPanel allowing the creation of StitchJobs.
StitchPanel(ActionListener) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.StitchPanel
Construct a StitchPanel.
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