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padding - Variable in class
The padding standard used for the encryption (PKCS#5).
PADDING - Static variable in class
The padding standard used for the encryption (none, as there's no need for it when using 8-bit blocks).
parts - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config.PartsConfig
The number of parts the file should be split in.
PartsConfig - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config
A ISplitConfig requesting the split of a file in a specific number of
PartsConfig(int) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config.PartsConfig
Construct a new SplitByPartsConfig.
partSize - Variable in class
The number of bytes that have been read from a single part.
partSize - Variable in class
The number of bytes that have been written to a single part.
partsLabel - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
A label with "Parts" written on it.
partsTextField - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.SplitRow
The text field where the user can select the number of parts to split the file in.
password - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config.PasswordConfig
The password to be used in the encryption.
PasswordConfig - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config
A ICryptConfig requesting the encryption of a file using a specific PasswordConfig.password.
PasswordConfig(String) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.config.PasswordConfig
Construct a new PasswordConfig with a specific password.
ProgrammingError - Exception in eu.steffo.cleaver.errors
An exception that is never supposed to happen during the execution of the program.
ProgrammingError(String) - Constructor for exception eu.steffo.cleaver.errors.ProgrammingError
progress - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.Job
The current Progress of the job.
progress - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.progress.WorkingProgress
Progress - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.progress
An abstract class representing the progress of a job (not started, 50%, completed, ...)
Progress() - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.progress.Progress
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