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ChopAndStitchPanel - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels
This panel displays a ChopPanel and a StitchPanel horizontally side-by-side.
ChopAndStitchPanel(ActionListener, ActionListener) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopAndStitchPanel
Construct a ChopAndStitchPanel by instantiating and adding a ChopPanel and a StitchPanel to it.
ChopJob - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job
A Job to convert a file into one or more chopped (*.chp + *.cXX) files.
ChopJob(File, ICompressConfig, ICryptConfig, ISplitConfig) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
Create a new ChopJob (without progress updates support).
ChopJob(File, ICompressConfig, ICryptConfig, ISplitConfig, Runnable) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
Create a new ChopJob (with progress updates support).
chopPanel - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopAndStitchPanel
The ChopPanel, displayed on the left.
ChopPanel - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels
The CreateJobPanel allowing the creation of ChopJobs.
ChopPanel(ActionListener) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopPanel
Construct a ChopPanel.
chopStitchPanel - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.CleaverFrame
The panel allowing the creation of new Jobs.
chpDocument - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.StitchJob
The Document created by parsing the *.chp file as XML.
ChpFileError - Exception in eu.steffo.cleaver.errors
An error occoured during the parsing of a .chp file.
ChpFileError(String) - Constructor for exception eu.steffo.cleaver.errors.ChpFileError
chpFolder - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.StitchJob
The folder where the *.chp file is located.
cipher - Variable in class
The Cipher to use to decrypt the data received in input.
cipher - Variable in class
clearSelectedFiles() - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.FileSelectRow
Clear the files selected in the FileSelectRow.fileChooser, and update the text displayed.
CleaverCryptInputStream - Class in
A ICleaverInputStream that decrypts incoming data using a Cipher object.
CleaverCryptInputStream(InputStream, char[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class
Create a new CleaverCryptInputStream wrapping another InputStream.
CleaverCryptOutputStream - Class in
A ICleaverOutputStream that encrypts incoming data using a Cipher object.
CleaverCryptOutputStream(OutputStream, char[]) - Constructor for class
Create a new CleaverCryptOutputStream with default Cipher parameters (AES algorithm in operation mode CFB8 with PKCS5 padding).
CleaverDeflateInputStream - Class in
A ICleaverInputStream that decompresses incoming data with the Deflate algorithm.
CleaverDeflateInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Construct a new CleaverDeflateInputStream wrapping the passed InputStream and ensuring it InputStream implements ICleaverInputStream.
CleaverDeflateOutputStream - Class in
A ICleaverOutputStream that compresses incoming data with the Deflate algorithm.
CleaverDeflateOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Construct a new CleaverDeflateOutputStream and ensure the passed OutputStream implements ICleaverOutputStream.
CleaverForkFileInputStream - Class in
A ICleaverInputStream that reads split data from a specific number of files having the same size.
CleaverForkFileInputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class
Construct a new CleaverForkFileInputStream.
CleaverForkFileOutputStream - Class in
A ICleaverOutputStream that reads split data from a specific number of files having the same size.
CleaverForkFileOutputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class
Construct a CleaverForkFileOutputStream.
CleaverFrame - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui
A class providing a GUI for Cleaver made with javax.swing.
CleaverFrame(ArrayList<Job>) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.CleaverFrame
Construct the CleaverFrame by setting its fields and adding to it the panels it should contain.
CleaverSimpleFileInputStream - Class in
A ICleaverInputStream that reads data from a File with a *.c0 extension.
CleaverSimpleFileInputStream(File) - Constructor for class
Create a new CleaverSimpleFileInputStream.
CleaverSimpleFileOutputStream - Class in
A ICleaverOutputStream that writes data to a single file with a *.c0 extension.
CleaverSimpleFileOutputStream(File) - Constructor for class
Create a new CleaverSimpleFileOutputStream.
CleaverSplitFileInputStream - Class in
A ICleaverInputStream that reads data from a series of files having a predefined size.
CleaverSplitFileInputStream(File, long) - Constructor for class
Construct a CleaverSplitFileInputStream.
CleaverSplitFileOutputStream - Class in
A ICleaverOutputStream that writes data to a series of files having a predefined size.
CleaverSplitFileOutputStream(File, long) - Constructor for class
Construct a CleaverSplitFileOutputStream.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
compressConfig - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
The IConfig for the Compress step.
compressionCheckBox - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CompressRow
The checkbox enabling or disabling the crypt step.
compressRow - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopPanel
The Row to enable/disable the compression functionality.
CompressRow - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option
A OptionRow allowing the configuration of the compress step of the file chop process.
CompressRow() - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CompressRow
Construct a CompressRow.
createAndAddChopJobs(ArrayList<Job>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopAndStitchPanel
Propagate downwards the click of the Create Jobs button on the ChopAndStitchPanel.chopPanel.
createAndAddJobs(ArrayList<Job>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopPanel
Add to the jobs ArrayList the ChopJobs for the current settings.
createAndAddJobs(ArrayList<Job>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.StitchPanel
Add to the jobs ArrayList the StitchJobs for the current settings.
createAndAddStitchJobs(ArrayList<Job>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopAndStitchPanel
Propagate downwards the click of the Create Jobs button on the ChopAndStitchPanel.stitchPanel.
createChpFile(OutputStream) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
Generate the element tree by calling the ICleaverOutputStream.toElement(Document) method on the passed OutputStream and by writing the results on a file with a Transformer.
createCompressOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
Create a OutputStream based on the ChopJob.compressConfig of this ChopJob.
createCryptOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
Create a OutputStream based on the ChopJob.cryptConfig of this ChopJob.
createJobButton - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.CreateJobButtonRow
createJobButtonRow - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopPanel
The Row containing the button to create the ChopJobs.
createJobButtonRow - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.StitchPanel
The Row containing the button to create the StitchJobs.
CreateJobButtonRow - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows
A Row with a clickable JButton.
CreateJobButtonRow(ActionListener) - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.CreateJobButtonRow
Construct a CreateJobButtonRow.
CreateJobPanel - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels
The base class for the two job creation panels (ChopPanel and StitchPanel).
CreateJobPanel() - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.CreateJobPanel
Construct the job panel by setting its layout, adding a border, the TitleRow and the FileSelectRow.
createNextFileInputStream() - Method in class
Open the following file in the sequence, and update the CleaverSplitFileInputStream.currentFileInputStream.
createNextFileOutputStream() - Method in class
Create the following file in the sequence, and update the CleaverSplitFileOutputStream.currentFileOutputStream.
createSplitOutputStream() - Method in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
Create a OutputStream based on the ChopJob.splitConfig of this ChopJob.
cryptCheckBox - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CryptRow
The checkbox enabling or disabling the crypt step.
cryptConfig - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.ChopJob
The IConfig for the Crypt step.
cryptKey - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.logic.job.StitchJob
The password to be used in the decryption step(s), if there are any.
cryptRow - Variable in class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.ChopPanel
The Row to enable/disable the encryption functionality.
CryptRow - Class in eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option
A OptionRow allowing the configuration of the crypt step of the file chop process.
CryptRow() - Constructor for class eu.steffo.cleaver.gui.panels.rows.option.CryptRow
Construct a CryptRow.
currentByteCount - Variable in class
The number of bytes that have already been read from the current file.
currentByteCount - Variable in class
The number of bytes that have already been written to the current file.
currentFileCount - Variable in class
The number of files that have been opened so far.
currentFileCount - Variable in class
The number of files that have been opened so far.
currentFileInputStream - Variable in class
The FileInputStream this InputStream is currently reading from.
currentFileOutputStream - Variable in class
The FileOutputStream this OutputStream is currently writing to.
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